Whoever publicly ridicules a person or group because of a certain race, color, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or other personal property, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment of up to one year.
He will not be punished for the offense under Art. 173 to 175 of this Code, if the offender is a presentation given as part of a serious critique in a scientific, literary or artistic work, in the exercise of official duties, the journalist profession, political activities in the defense of any right or protection of justifiable interests, if the manner of expression or other circumstances it's not done in an attempt to discredit or if you prove the truth of his assertions or that he had reasonable grounds to believe family tree builder the truth of what he was or transmitted. family tree builder
Leucorrhoea, known also as 'whites', the appearance of cottage cheese ooze out vagine.Najčešći cause of white washing the Trichomonas vaginalis. It is primarily spread by sexual putem.Kod women starts in an intense itching on the genitals, and are therefore appears that discharge very zaudara.1
Gypsy homeland? Gypsies are an ethnic group spread from Afghanistan to the Middle East and the entire territory of Europe until Irske.2 It is very hetegorena ethnic group whose origins family tree builder are almost there consensus in literaturi.Naime Gypsies belong to the Indo-European group of people and originate from the area of India that is now called Punjab and Radžastan.2 3
It is difficult to unambiguously determine the location as sui within the subsequent family tree builder migration of the people of India were a common occurrence and the great-ancestors family tree builder of the Gypsies may no longer find the original locations. Interestingly, the Gypsies themselves in their collective memory and tradition is not kept absolutely no clue that could indicate the origin or prapostojbinu.4 first speculation about the Indian origin were created about 200 years ago based on the analysis of gypsy jezika.5
Recently, the availability of genetic methods to map the migration of the people and provides new insights into the origins and migratory paths Cigana.Naime, based on the presence of a particular type of glaucoma found in Gypsy, they appeared to be closely associated with the people of Jat who inhabited the northwestern part of India and parts of Pakistan .6
Their class origins is the controversy and the subject of much debate. No matter how incredible it may sound, some authors suggest that the Gypsies were once members of the military caste, and today this theory find a foothold in the fact that gypsies all other nations called family tree builder Gadjo, which literally means "not a soldier."
Linguistic analysis not only helps in identifying Gypsy homeland, but also allows setting the lower limit of the date of their migration. The Gypsy language has only two genders, and this change in the group of Indo-Aryan languages occurred around family tree builder the year 1,000., family tree builder And is almost certain to Gypsies prapostojbninu not leave until that moment. There are linguistic thought and that they migrated even after the 1400th 11
Genetics also suggests that the progenitors of these ethnic groups migrated before the 32-40 generation, while the important lateral branching occurred family tree builder before 16-25 generacija.12 There is little doubt that the gypsies migrated from their homeland of India between 500-1000 years ago . There is written evidence of the presence of people like gypsies on the islands of Crete and Corfu in the 14th century, in Corfu even look there and called feud Feudum Acinganorum. 13.14 The name "Gypsy" is obvious, with modifications, is derived from the name that they probably first gave the Greeks as heretics because the translation of the Greek athiganoiznaci heretic (more on that below). There is another hypothesis, because athiganoina Greece, apart from heretic means "the one who should not be touched," untouchable, which supports the previously expressed theory of the Gypsies as members of the lowest caste in their homeland.
The circumstances and reasons Gypsy migration are not clear. There is a theory that the migration of Gypsies caused conquest of India by Sultan Mahmud Gaznavija 1000-1030. years, after which the Gypsies as part of the defeated military forces of North India moved into the territory Vizantije.15 The Persian Book of Kings ('Shahnameh Ferdowsi'), I Gaznavi writes that during the conquest of India received as a gift 10,000 musicians and entertainers with their families . What happened to them after Gaznavijeve death is not known but there are ideas that these groups migrated to the West and that in fact the ancestors of today's Gypsies.
After the initial settling in the territory of the Byzantine Empire Gypsies family tree builder in the coming turbulent centuries displacements continue across Europe, mainly due to the instability caused by the wars of Byzantium to the Turks Seldžucima.U 14th century Gypsies arrived in the Balkans, family tree builder to the territory of today's Czech Republic (Bohemia), in 15 Ages conquered Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, and in the 16th century, Russia, Denmark, Scotland and Švedsku.17Tokom 20th century family tree builder subsequent migrations have led to the displacement of most of the territory of North and South America and Australia.
Because life on the margins of society and the traditional obstructing all attempts to introduce into the legal system, and therefore the drink
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