Sunday, May 25, 2014

Doctor gynecologist knit cap for each newborn baby

Love's father has a crucial influence on the development of children's personality | Your Baby
Love the father contributes as much - and sometimes more about child development and how the love of a mother. This is one of many findings that emerged from a major new analysis of research on the power of parental rejection and acceptance in shaping our personalities as children and into adulthood. Ronald Rohner - University of Connecticut and co-author of the study says:
Over half a century of international research, we found no other class of experience that can have such a strong and consistent effect on personality and personality jonathan huberdeau development as the experience of rejection, especially by parents in childhood. Children and adults, without distinction of race, culture and gender - tend to respond in exactly the same way, when you feel rejected by their guardians or other figures that are attached.
Reviewing 36 studies jonathan huberdeau from around the world, which together include more than 10,000 people, Rohner and co-author Abdul Khaleque found that in response to rejection by their parents, children tend to feel nervous and insecure, and more hostile and aggressive others. The pain of rejection - especially when it happens over a period of time in childhood - tends to linger into adulthood - making it difficult for adults who were rejected jonathan huberdeau as children to build reliable and trustworthy relationships with their intimate partners. Moreover, Rohner said the new evidence from the past decade of research in psychology jonathan huberdeau and neural networks have found that when people feel rejected activate the same parts of the brain that are activated when experiencing physical pain. Unlike physical pain, the people, the emotional pain of rejection jonathan huberdeau can survive over and over again for years. When it comes to the impact of the father's love versus that of the mother, results from more than 500 studies suggest that while children and adults often experience more or less the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, the influence of rejection of one parent - often the father - can be much greater than the other. The team of psychologists from 13 nations, working jonathan huberdeau on international project jonathan huberdeau acceptance and rejection of the father has developed at least one explanation for this difference is probably that children and young people, pay attention to the one parent they perceive as having jonathan huberdeau higher power or prestige . So, if a child sees his father as having higher prestige, he may be more influential figure in his life from mother to child. How important message of all this research, Rohner said that fatherly love is critical to the development of a person. The importance of a father's love should motivate many men to be more involved in nurturing children.
In addition, the widespread recognition jonathan huberdeau of the impact of fathers on the development of personality of their children jonathan huberdeau should help reduce the incidents of "blaming the mother" - common in schools and clinical setting.
The great emphasis on mothers and motherhood in America led to inappropriate tendency to blame mothers for behavioral problems in children and neprilagodenosta, when in fact, fathers often have greater participation in the development of These kinds of problems.
Doctor gynecologist knit cap for each newborn baby
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