Saturday, August 16, 2014

Although I am cohabiting, and despite the fact that the OMG is legal for gays to stay together, I h

Gays (and others) about marriage and discrimination "Ars Ethica
When there are questions about gays and marriage (which I, like. Bussmann, starting married to medicine to get tired of discussing) is typically married to medicine a few arguments that come up if we ignore arguments that gays are unworthy etc.. In that regard, I recommend an interview with Dagsavisen lesbian lovers, Nina and Anna Rud Romøren. Excerpts from the interview is reproduced below.
Claim: "Partnership and marriage are two sides of the same coin; formally instituted relationship. One is just the sex, the other bisexual. What is the problem? (...) For example, Bente and I sisters (= same sex), while one can also say that we are siblings (gender neutral). married to medicine (...) Therefore, there is no basis for claiming that the terms "marriage" and "partnership" discriminate against any of the parties. "- Wheat from the chaff (which married to medicine also is against discrimination of gays)
"[Rud and Romøren] says that they know two couples who now runs and trips to marry. One couple is engaged in the 5th year, but will in principle not marry before the new marriage law takes effect.
My comment: We also have different concepts of biological and adopted children. "Adopted children" and "children." married to medicine These are (as marriage vs partnerships) charged a little different. Most adoptive parents would have experienced it as offensive if they were now should be called in to "adoptive parents meeting," were given "adoptive menu" at a restaurant or acquaintances explicit'd ask "how's the adoptive child '." For adoptive parents and "common" parent's not like, but we have changed our definition of what it means to be a parent. Before, it was only he who was of biological origin, today it is also the one who is emotionally attached married to medicine to the child in the same way as a "normal" parent. So now the term "marriage" in the process of change, although some words resist.
"" I have always been accepted as who I am by family and friends, married to medicine and I've felt normal. But suddenly I'm 23 years and I can not do it my friends talking about the future. It's strange to suddenly feel different. "[Rud in a letter to Parliament, bl.anm. ]
The mismatch Rud talking about the relationship between social perception and legislation. [Both Rud and his girlfriend] feel accepted in society, but the legislation gives the impression to the contrary. "- Dagsavisen 15.03.08
It is now - as I have always claimed - demonstrated that there are gays who feel discriminated against. Changing the law will obviously not solve all problems, but we can not wait to fix things just because we can not fix everything at once. To refuse to change the law just because some souls seem to be afraid of being mistaken for gays, does not hold:
"Soon I can no longer content myself with saying that" I'm married married to medicine "or" I live in marriage "to tell the cohabitation I live. I need to add some more information to make myself understood, such as" heterosexual ... ", or I must add that" there is a man '. "
This entry was underwritten by Ars Ethica and posted Wed 15/3/2008 at 4:42 p.m. and filed under Ethics, homosexuality, politics. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks married to medicine are currently closed.
People get tired of discussing homosexuality, I see, here and there. You'd think they expected of the world transformed by itself, to the day. so it is not. Think of those who fought for equality in this country. They were certainly married to medicine tired, but tålmoldige they were also more patient than the devil, almost.
I'm sick at least - and waiting with longing that this marriage law is settled. So I have hope and faith that it will be a little quiet and calm again. And Norway will certainly married to medicine see that it was not so bad after all.
Gays just want peace and live their lives like everyone else. Some people will not give us this peace and lately there have been a number married to medicine of smear campaigns. It is difficult if not impossible to sit quietly and accept this.
I find it hilarious that someone's argument against gay marriage is that others can possibly think that there is a small chance that they are in a gay marriage if they say that they are married does not specify that it is a heterosexual marriage.
Although I am cohabiting, and despite the fact that the OMG is legal for gays to stay together, I have never seen a problem with saying that I have boyfriend, does not specify that "he married to medicine is the opposite sex, then, word of honor!"
Tomas: married to medicine Yes, patience is a virtue. But when you see that things are going the right way, it is easy to just sit back and smile gloat over all the unhappy people soon

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