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Elections: Lies and Truths - Editorial Marvel Dandin - Radio Kiskeya Posted on September 17, 2014 Editorials, French, Haiti, Politics, Top Stories Haiti, haiti news, marvel dandin, Michel Martelly, family of the year Politics, Radio Kiskeya family of the year Comments: 0
6 senators of the Republic are now presented as the main, if not unique, obstacles to the elections: the view of the government Martelly / Lamothe. It is also one of the "international community".
Such a position from them, however, indicates family of the year that there is no better argument to justify that nothing has really been done neither the one nor the other, to ensure the elections. Therefore, they should be the last to be surprised that only 6 senators of the Republic can block a process. For it was predictable. And far-sighted of us in the press, civil society and the political class, had warned that lead to this sad situation, family of the year the quorum in the Senate to be weak when the third body is missing replaced.
6 senators of the Republic are now presented as perfect culprits. Especially that evokes the El Rancho Agreement to attest to the good will of power and some of its allies. However, this agreement was not a: these are not the real protagonists family of the year of the crisis that have signed it. His second major flaw is that it is permissible, family of the year in Article 12, to be placed above the Constitution by allowing the CEP to override Parliament's prerogatives regarding the Election Act. The application of such an article, by devoting a ignonimie, would enunciate the death of the Constitution of 1987. Because this is a simple family of the year agreement would deprive the Parliament a full privilege granted by the Constitution.
Haro on 6 senators of the Republic! But, what were diplomats and international officials of occupancy Mission during the 3 years during which the provisions should be made for the elections?
In fact, without being stupid and closely analyzing various data, we could argue that foreigners have not remained innocently doing nothing for the elections. So it seems, they were not interested in the elections. Because, you know what they do when they want one thing. They have the means to compel even the most resistant. One can venture to think that they do not want elections. At least they do not want them at all. Their call for their outfit this year is perfunctory. Even folk. To meet "international order". UN rhetoric! We must not forget that the US Ambassador Pamela Ann White, had long announced on the Voice of America that the elections would not be held on the date on which everyone expected. family of the year
It is important to consider the fact that the "international community" does not want a multiplicity of elections in Haiti. Pressure had been exerted on President Rene Preval that he vilifies the 1987 Constitution by identifying it as the source of all our misfortunes, like a quintessential factor of instability. What he has done for being treacherously, in time, a member of the "Komite Onè Respè Konstitisyon year." This resulted in an amendment of the Act which is now Mother knows well enough history. An amendment that is now worth us to live under the aegis of a fundamental Charter which we dangerously ignore the content.
But this amendment is far from meeting the expectations of "Blan". A Constitution that sets general elections family of the year every five years and guarantees a certain family of the year "stability" by the automatic family of the year renewal of mandates, including family of the year that of President of the Republic and rein
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