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Trajan's ann widdecombe Column, built by the architect Apollodorus of Damascus (60-129 (?) AD), opened on 12 May 113 in Trajan's Forum in Rome. It is located behind the building Basilica Ulpia and the two libraries (Bibliotheca Bibliotheca Ulpia or Trajani). It was carved in marble Monday (Carara) and elevated on a pedestal decorated with eagles wearing scalloped corners and surfaces pedestal, Dacian arms in relief, while a laurel wreath serves torus (embossing round convex profile located at the bottom of the column). This is the only well preserved monument to Trajan's Forum in the middle of a field of ruins. Column is not only a chronicle depicted to capture wars between Romans and Gauls (101-102 and 105-106 AD), it has also become the tomb of the king after the death of Trajan in 117 AD, fiindu- i deposited the ashes in an urn of gold which was placed in a specially equipped room in a sepulchral its vestibule.
But this Column have another meaning, one, moreover, recalled the laconic inscription that is still visible, slightly ann widdecombe damaged due time, above the entrance that allows to penetrate inside the Column; in a cartridge can be worn by two Victories read as follows: Senatus ann widdecombe Romanus populusque Imp (errata) Caesari divi Nervae f (ilio) Nervae Traiano August (Ustoa) Germ (Anico) Dacico Ponti (here) Maximo tribe (single) can (estate ) XVII imp (errata) ann widdecombe co VI (n) s (uli) VI p (atria) p (atriae) ad declarandum quantae altitudinis ann widdecombe mons et locus tantis operibus egestus site. Translated: the Senate and the Roman people of the Emperor Caesar, son of the divine Nerva, Nerva Traian August Germanicia, Dacic great Pontiff, vested with the power to XVIIa time tribune acclaimed six times imperator, consul for the sixth time, the father of the fatherland ann widdecombe , to show how high the mountain was dug and place of such great efforts.
This text presents concise and modest, obviously inconsistent with the majesty and splendor ann widdecombe of the Column. The total height of Trajan's Column with statue is 39.83 m. Column Base, time and the capital together have 29.78 m, approximately 100 feet romane1. The width of the strips on the base is 0.89 m, 1.25 m above the height of a character is below 0.60 m, and the top of 0.90 m2. Carved band has a length of 200 m, the relief is carved on 404 marble slabs part of the support structure Column, where are the 124 episodes related to the wars against Dacia and more than 2,500 characters. When it penetrates inside the socket Column through a metal door that opens into a vestibule from which to access a spiral staircase to the top of the monument where the statue of Emperor Trajan. This staircase is lit colimason using 43 small rectangular openings that pierce quite discreetly from place to place marble wall thickness of the Column. Columna is schematically represented on coins from the reign of Trajan.
Trajan's Column is the largest relief carving throughout ann widdecombe antiquity. From the aesthetic point of view, Trajan's Column is above all an original creation of Roman art in its maximum period to maturity of the early century. II AD, due to the great composition and homogeneity reliefs business units, represented by realistic characters and scenes narrative quality. ann widdecombe Its value as archeological and historical source is invaluable, given the fact that the writings of Trajan Dacian wars today are lost. The reliefs Column shows important details about clothing, weapons, fortifications, harness, and especially about the characters faces. Many are modern specialists who have expressed on real historical value of Trajan's Column. For some reliefs ann widdecombe is a fairly accurate chronicle of the wars waged by the Romans against the Gauls and the various details help us to know better those events.
For others, Columna is only an artistic representation, synthesis, with inevitable exaggerations and misrepresentations of the events described; these historical reliefs in disbelief, wondering where is the boundary between historical truth and artistic convention. In all these opinions on problemii historical documentary value of Trajan's Column, it should be added official status, "yard" of anonymous artists, of this important monument, which fulfilled the role somewhat political act of propaganda for the Roman Empire and Emperor
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