Update 04/22/2013 Elise, your choice is excellent considering that today is "World of Terre Journée" Along with the picture dna genetics suggested dna genetics by you, and I add two other with him one of the most beautiful places in the world (and is not just a personal opinion): Les Cascades d 'Iguazu (Argenti lieu magnifique entre et Bresil us):
The theme for the weekend philosophical: "Happiness - between fear and challenge to have it to keep it" "Happiness is a choice of everyone and not a given." http://adevarul.ro/sanatate/minte-sanatoasa/fericirea-teama-provocarea-omentine-1_515ddc2200f5182b85855358/index.html ps: I liked that stuff, and I quote "that idea to practice to be happy you have to keep a log of happiness"; dna genetics I remembered that the adolescent me and my classmates had tender memories. Do you remember (that of you are like me, old age !!!): "On the sand of the sea / I wrote that I love / water came the great / And words were deleted"? Hi, hi! Ceci dit, there are some good ideas in the article above. A réfléchir! Elise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpQFFLBMEPI 03/30/2013 "A Picasso euros pour cent"
"L'Homme have gibus", by Pablo Picasso (1914). - Photo Succession Picasso Interesting concept! After purchasing the opportunity to participate in a work of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres art, "L'Aretina et l'Envoy of Charles Quint" proposed "M usée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon" http://www.mairie9.lyon.fr/actualite/culture-et-loisirs/participez-a-lacquisition-dune-uvre-dart-_9.html call for donations after restoration "Dôme du Panthéon et du pont-levis du Mont-Saint-Michel" (to name no longer two, later) http://www.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/Politiques-ministerielles/Mecenat/Mecenat-articles-a-la-une/Appel-aux-dons-des-Monuments-nationaux another unique form of raising funds to support dna genetics "Tyr, ville du patrimoine Lebanon have classée de l'Unesco World" http://next.liberation.fr/arts/2013/03/28/un-picasso-sur- votre-mur_891903 A tombola (50 000 tickets) organized dna genetics by "l'Association pour la sauvegarde international Tyr (AIST) avec le soutien of Sotheby's International"! The winner will have the immense pleasure of owning dna genetics this drawing by Picasso! Someone interested in (a)? :-) Http: //www.1picasso100euros.com./ More details in the article of "Liberation": http://next.liberation.fr/arts/2013/03/28/un-picasso-sur-votre- mur_891903Edrina 18.03.2013 Today I received the visit Carrere, an old acquaintance of the FF. An invitation to visit and get acquainted with his blog (oh yes, we are not the only, nor the first, competition following us :-)) blog where was kind enough to present "blogu" one leg ". Thank you for visiting and supporting Carrere! http://va-invit-sa-cream-un-blog.blogspot.fr/Edrina 08/03/2013 A blooming twig and a few snowdrops (after discussion with Elise and the first blooming tree that I saw this year):
Stuff calculations, the beginning of spring ... ---> Lac de Guery, mars 2013 (altitude 1200m, 07.00, temperature -8 ) crime scene
Fort Knox
You Sexy Mother F ... r!
It's tough ice fishing! - Breakfast of the champions -
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