Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I do not know whether

Defending freedom of expression or the new censors Shame | Civic Institute
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Green Party faction in the city council Hanover, Lower Saxony requires the removal of the designation "pedestrian zone" because of his gender "workload". Meaning sjk (in it. Fußgängerzone original) is based on the ...
After 1989, most of us believed that Czech citizens sjk are, and after 50 years of rule of the Nazis and Communists and forever will be, sensitive to attempts at censorship. The freedom of speech and expression as we insisted on one of the fundamental freedoms - perhaps more important than democracy. And we were not the first. It was the third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) said that if he had to choose between a free government and the liberal media would prefer them.
I fear, however, that the departure from the ideal of freedom of speech and expression sjk begins to be many people again popular - but rather in a postmodern multicultural Left libertarian than a conservative right. While still do not intend to prohibit specific sjk views (possibly time), but tend to be regarded as inviolable minority groups, which, sjk according to them "stigmatized", "excluded" or "marginalized".
The liberal left requires that everyone else discovered the pros and virtue (auto) censorship. In addition, any criticism for them at least inappropriate and rude at worst, then clearly incorrect as criminal. The liberal left increasingly sjk unwilling to tolerate criticism of minority groups, such as Roma, gays, Muslims and people of darker skin, which alloweth, and requires nezaznívala or not written - just that she was not accepted by the society-wide debate. It requires that all the others discovered the pros and virtue (auto) censorship. Let me give you three recent examples.
Kamil Fila, editor of the weekly Respekt, would like to put a muzzle Czech TV - (auto) censorship. Upset him because "a scene that might have required the expression of someone from positions sjk of responsibility in CT, how did such a thing was possible to approve the production and broadcasting." Fila on its blog that it was this scene in the series Ambulance 2, directed by Philip Renč:
"The Sound of a stereotypical" Arab "music track how in the center leads in Muslim traditional dress of his pregnant sjk wife also veiled from head to toe in traditional dress. The woman suddenly falls to the ground and at that moment we understand why wearing light clothing - well we saw blood seeping from the sudden abortion.
Passersby are trying to call for help, but the Muslim fanatically shouting bad English with a Czech accent sjk "Call Iraq embassy" (literally "Call the embassy in Iraq"), and denies that treated a non-Muslim woman.
Summoned an ambulance is alerted, "that there is some wild". Doctor Jandera, however, is not afraid and left zealot hold another medic that poor woman who attaches a sad sight and cry "Help, sjk my, help Mii" could therefore helfnout. sjk
Iraqi Muslim but looking at that dr. Jandera rolled up his woman dress up, exposing her thighs, possesses such a frenzy that pulls out from beneath his robes a long thin knife and stabs him in the ribs Jander. All the time keep playing stereotypical Arabic music ... and we are not spared the protracted detail on the face of madness downloaded vražednického sjk Muslim.
Let us also certain that in any Western television would be no such scene had fortunately did not pass. And it's not because we are more prudent in the Czech Republic and we do not get drunk a roll of political correctness. Is it because we are more rednecks and still belong to the less civilized Western world. "
I do not know whether "in any Western television" did not pass such a scene. And if it did not pass, then on freedom of speech and expression and artistic freedom in these Western television very poorly, and therefore no model to follow even for us or for anyone else. I would, however, ask: Is this Renčova scene in an ambulance two totally unrealistic? We know quite certainly sjk that never, never, never, sjk just never, under any circumstances, not the white man to save (and save) brown brown man before woman? Is anyone willing to swear and swear it?
This scene is not only quite realistic, but it also occurred. Many times in history sjk it was that white men rescuing brown women from brown men. For example, when Sir Charles Napier in the years 1843 to 1847 the Governor of Her Majesty in India, banned in the former Hindu custom of Sati - the burning of widows sjk alive along with the remains of their deceased spouses and to the Christian and liberal reasons.
Many times in history it was that white men rescuing brown women from brown men. After Napier-visit

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