PETRANYIN Families house of names of Topolyán : Topolany
DOMOV Aktuálne Ulica Topolianská Ulica Letná Ulica Jarná Verejne house of names Galéria Významní rodáci o. Jozef Čverčko 1922 – 1992 Generál poručík Jozef Činčár Spisovateľ Jozef Janto Geológ Jozef Čverčko Kontakt Mapa Farnosť TOPOĽANY Fárske Oznamy Topo futbal Topoľanský futbal
The house of names surname PETRANYIN house of names has undergone various spelling house of names changes over the years. The earliest church records from Topolyán (present day Topolany, Slovakia ) are written in Church Slavonic (similar to the Russian Cyrillic alphabet), which makes it difficult to come up with an equivalent English spelling. PETRAN… or PATRAN… are the most common spellings for the beginning house of names of the name. But the ending varies quite a bit — anything from …YIN, …IN, …ICH, …IC, …ICS, …YITS, …ITS, etc. This partly has to do with the differences between the Magyar (Hungarian) and Rusyn/Slovak languages. After coming to America in the 1890s, the surname evolved further into variations such as PETERS or PETERSON.
NOTE : At this point in time we are not sure if the dates we have documented are JULIAN or GREGORIAN dates. But we tend to think that dates from Greek Catholic records are JULIAN dates. Click here to convert between the two.
NOTE : It is not uncommon for an individual to be referenced by two or more versions of their given name. For the purposes of this study, we have decided to go with the Magyar or Hungarian version, since most of the records we are referencing were created at the time when Slovakia was a part of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary .
The following PETRANYINs represent the “loose ends” or “tree branches” that we have collected over a period of several years. These families are all from Topolyán and are probably all related. But the church records do not go back far enough, or are not detailed enough, for us to determine exactly how they are related. As we link various families together, this list should grow shorter. András PETRANYIN (b. abt 1826, h/o Anna ADAM). *1* András PETRANYIN (h/o Illona). Anna PETRANYIN (w/o János ?udra in 1818). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1858, w/o János Hornyák). Anna IVANOV-PETRANYIN (b. abt 1843, w/o György Koleszár and György BODAJLA). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1775, d. Apr 1805, may be member house of names of this family). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1881, w/o György GIROVSKY). Anna PETRANYIN (m/o András PETRANYIN b. 1850 in Sztrajnyán). Anna PETRANYITS (b. abt 1826, w/o János CSOFA of Sztrajnyán). Erzsébet PETRANYIN (b. maybe 1877, d. maybe 1945). Erzsébet PETRANYIN (b. abt 1870, w/o András KUROCSKA-KOLYESZAR-ANTOLYIK). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1774, h/o Mária KUNCS in 1810). *3* György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1812, h/o Anna DANKANYIN). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1766, d. 27 Feb 1831, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN house of names (h/o Anna SLIVACSKA). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN house of names (b. abt 1812, h/o Anna MITRO). György PETRANYIN (h/o Anna, could be earlier wife of above ). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1882, h/o Zsuzsanna). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1873, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN (h/o Mária DZVONEK b. abt 1778). György house of names PETRANYIN (h/o Mária bef 1800). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872, h/o Erzsébet KUNCS). György house of names PETRANYIN (b. abt 1871, could be same as above ). Illona PETRANYIN (b. abt 1783, w/o Mihály B??????). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1865). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1863). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1853). János PETRANYIN house of names (b. abt 1772, h/o Anna KUROSKA). János PETRANYIN-IVANOV (b. 1813, h/o Anna IVANOVA, Anna Praczkó, house of names and Anna STEFAN). János PETRANYIN house of names (b. 1829, h/o Anna ASZMONGYA). János PETRANYIN (b. 1819, h/o Erzsébet ROVNYAK). *2* János PETRANYIN (h/o Anna bef 1798). János PETRANYIN (b. 1871, h/o Zsuzsanna). *4* János PETRANYIN (f/o Mária b. 1843, w/o Mihály Jantó). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1797, d. Aug 1799). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1808, d. Mar 1812). János PETRANYIN (h/o Anna ZHUPAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1862, w/o Mihály DELYIMAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. 1836, w/o György GIDOV-ZSUPAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1861, w/o János JAKUBOV). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1855, w/o Mihály Dzurjányik). Mária PETRANYIN (of Nizna Rybnica). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1864, w/o Mihály Hornyák). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1798, h/o Anna VARGA). Mihály PETRANYIN (h/o Mária FEDAK). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1824, h/o Erzsébet SZTANKO). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1866, h/o Anna LYIGUS). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1864). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1868). Mihály PETRANYIN (son János of Deerfield Twp., Warren Co., PA). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1832, h/o Anna SEMAN-FEDAK). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1822, h/o Erzsébet SLIVACSKA). Mihály house of names PETRANYIN (b. abt Aug 1815, d. Dec 1815, may be member of this family). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. 1902, d. 1969, h/o Zsuzsanna IVANOVA). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1815, h/o Mária MASZCZIBRUCH). Mihály PETRANYIN (h/o Erzsébet MIKULO
DOMOV Aktuálne Ulica Topolianská Ulica Letná Ulica Jarná Verejne house of names Galéria Významní rodáci o. Jozef Čverčko 1922 – 1992 Generál poručík Jozef Činčár Spisovateľ Jozef Janto Geológ Jozef Čverčko Kontakt Mapa Farnosť TOPOĽANY Fárske Oznamy Topo futbal Topoľanský futbal
The house of names surname PETRANYIN house of names has undergone various spelling house of names changes over the years. The earliest church records from Topolyán (present day Topolany, Slovakia ) are written in Church Slavonic (similar to the Russian Cyrillic alphabet), which makes it difficult to come up with an equivalent English spelling. PETRAN… or PATRAN… are the most common spellings for the beginning house of names of the name. But the ending varies quite a bit — anything from …YIN, …IN, …ICH, …IC, …ICS, …YITS, …ITS, etc. This partly has to do with the differences between the Magyar (Hungarian) and Rusyn/Slovak languages. After coming to America in the 1890s, the surname evolved further into variations such as PETERS or PETERSON.
NOTE : At this point in time we are not sure if the dates we have documented are JULIAN or GREGORIAN dates. But we tend to think that dates from Greek Catholic records are JULIAN dates. Click here to convert between the two.
NOTE : It is not uncommon for an individual to be referenced by two or more versions of their given name. For the purposes of this study, we have decided to go with the Magyar or Hungarian version, since most of the records we are referencing were created at the time when Slovakia was a part of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary .
The following PETRANYINs represent the “loose ends” or “tree branches” that we have collected over a period of several years. These families are all from Topolyán and are probably all related. But the church records do not go back far enough, or are not detailed enough, for us to determine exactly how they are related. As we link various families together, this list should grow shorter. András PETRANYIN (b. abt 1826, h/o Anna ADAM). *1* András PETRANYIN (h/o Illona). Anna PETRANYIN (w/o János ?udra in 1818). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1858, w/o János Hornyák). Anna IVANOV-PETRANYIN (b. abt 1843, w/o György Koleszár and György BODAJLA). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1775, d. Apr 1805, may be member house of names of this family). Anna PETRANYIN (b. abt 1881, w/o György GIROVSKY). Anna PETRANYIN (m/o András PETRANYIN b. 1850 in Sztrajnyán). Anna PETRANYITS (b. abt 1826, w/o János CSOFA of Sztrajnyán). Erzsébet PETRANYIN (b. maybe 1877, d. maybe 1945). Erzsébet PETRANYIN (b. abt 1870, w/o András KUROCSKA-KOLYESZAR-ANTOLYIK). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1774, h/o Mária KUNCS in 1810). *3* György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1812, h/o Anna DANKANYIN). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1766, d. 27 Feb 1831, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN house of names (h/o Anna SLIVACSKA). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN house of names (b. abt 1812, h/o Anna MITRO). György PETRANYIN (h/o Anna, could be earlier wife of above ). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1882, h/o Zsuzsanna). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1873, could be same as above ). György PETRANYIN (h/o Mária DZVONEK b. abt 1778). György house of names PETRANYIN (h/o Mária bef 1800). György PETRANYIN (b. abt 1872, h/o Erzsébet KUNCS). György house of names PETRANYIN (b. abt 1871, could be same as above ). Illona PETRANYIN (b. abt 1783, w/o Mihály B??????). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1865). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1863). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1853). János PETRANYIN house of names (b. abt 1772, h/o Anna KUROSKA). János PETRANYIN-IVANOV (b. 1813, h/o Anna IVANOVA, Anna Praczkó, house of names and Anna STEFAN). János PETRANYIN house of names (b. 1829, h/o Anna ASZMONGYA). János PETRANYIN (b. 1819, h/o Erzsébet ROVNYAK). *2* János PETRANYIN (h/o Anna bef 1798). János PETRANYIN (b. 1871, h/o Zsuzsanna). *4* János PETRANYIN (f/o Mária b. 1843, w/o Mihály Jantó). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1797, d. Aug 1799). János PETRANYIN (b. abt 1808, d. Mar 1812). János PETRANYIN (h/o Anna ZHUPAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1862, w/o Mihály DELYIMAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. 1836, w/o György GIDOV-ZSUPAN). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1861, w/o János JAKUBOV). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1855, w/o Mihály Dzurjányik). Mária PETRANYIN (of Nizna Rybnica). Mária PETRANYIN (b. abt 1864, w/o Mihály Hornyák). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1798, h/o Anna VARGA). Mihály PETRANYIN (h/o Mária FEDAK). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1824, h/o Erzsébet SZTANKO). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1866, h/o Anna LYIGUS). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1864). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1868). Mihály PETRANYIN (son János of Deerfield Twp., Warren Co., PA). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1832, h/o Anna SEMAN-FEDAK). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1822, h/o Erzsébet SLIVACSKA). Mihály house of names PETRANYIN (b. abt Aug 1815, d. Dec 1815, may be member of this family). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. 1902, d. 1969, h/o Zsuzsanna IVANOVA). Mihály PETRANYIN (b. abt 1815, h/o Mária MASZCZIBRUCH). Mihály PETRANYIN (h/o Erzsébet MIKULO
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