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Editor: Aive series
"15,000 in the best age to start a family women and 12 000 men have left Estonia," said UT scientist Mare Ainsaar population. Estonia suppresses the others, obtaining the confidence of the children, or rather the lack of it.
However, it could be quite a lot of children to be born. "But there is a birth, because young people do not dare or want to make a decision," says Ainsaar. Studies show that in addition to finding the right partner for your concerns and wishes of the child's birth, education, youth, or any other reason to postpone a major problem in the housing and financial uncertainty.
Get 25 years of Tartu maid Katrin tells him that even though it has been some time desire to become a mother, she has postponed the decision until now. He has the freedom to choose, and the exercise of their own studies and the work of securing the future of the family and the birth of the States.
Haanjas living Vodi Egle (31) is the third child in the minds of the topic. However, the family lives in a small country house, with one room, a kitchen and a bath room, a total of 49 square meters. "If you look around your room, you do not present well in advance where you fit in another bed, it's just not on," says Vodi.
If immigration policy john allen or anything larger does not happen, it is part of a dark future for the birth. While not next year because of higher generations yet born children. "But when they are born they have a very late and reproductive behavior does not change anything important, it is difficult to expect anything good in absolute terms," says Mare Ainsaar.
"It is hard to imagine that anyone would be unhappy if the birth of a child is able to become a part of officially poor, or that it must give up the profession because of the work of competitors benefit," explains Ainsaar and adds that the national policy for young people a lot does not help, it favors obviously they who have already proven themselves to be, or who have at least two kids.
10 December 2013 08:36
Management of Hirmuste villagers are angry that the forest is a transporters 'plowed up' the road along which the villagers were directly Kalana, but Hiiumaa forester Lembit Short says the rails have been there for a long time.
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Veeliks Elm Last week belonged to the eternal path gone pendlimees Veeliks Elm answered readers' questions Maalehe a few years ago. We present here some of the most interesting questions and answers.
The award statue. Photo: 6 ETSAÜ December brought together members of the Estonian Pig Breeding and several interlocutors Sausti mansion mansions festive aastalõ
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