Thursday, January 16, 2014

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Principal Armas’ YouTube Announcement and Goals for the New Year | The Wildcat Way
Principal Armas released a video via YouTube to reinforce school rules and help maintain the Wildcat Best. Wildcat german last names best means to have a safe, and respectful environment at school, Principal Armas states. The video reinforces dress code, areas open to students at lunch, and electronic use in school. Armas also had a strong argument for passes during class; if you have too many passes, your parents will be called. german last names The fifteen/fifteen rule means that no student can leave class with or without a pass in the first or last fifteen minutes of class. In addition to the fifteen/fifteen rule, Armas addresses the increase in fights. Fighting is never a proper response to a conflict, Principal Armas explains. It will lead to suspension for ten days, for any and all fights. Armas reminds students The Wildcat Best is the key to our success.
“I really german last names don’t think much about calendar years. School years go from August through June and because this is my 27th year in the field of education, my years end up being more school years than calendar years. So for me the new calendar year is nothing more than a midway point. I’m not real sure if this a good thing or a bad thing but it definitely is THE thing for me.
Having said that I think we had a great first semester. german last names As a school german last names we continue to grow and there is no doubt that great things are happening on our campus. german last names As for the second semester, I want to see us work hard in preparation for our testing season. It is very important for us as a school to collectively have good test results. I trust that our teachers and students are doing all they can to do their best.”
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Recent Posts Wildcat Speech and Debate Team Travels To Princeton Principal Armas’ YouTube Announcement and Goals for the New Year RPBHS Lights Up the Stage Colorado School Shooting What s Hot in Horoscopes for December?
2014 Albums Armas Athlete of the month bowling brittany rodgers bus accident Chorus Christi Porter christmas tree Ciano Class of 2014 Diana Nyad Games Garrett Johnson holiday Holocaust Homecoming horoscopes german last names Jimmy Moreland Kyle Leaver Lady Wildcats Mens Soccer Movies mr. gilbert Netherlands Ojay Nichol Principal's Message rpbhs russian activists Samantha Paniagua Singing Soccer Special Interest special olympics Spirit Week Sports state fall classic Student Council teacher of the month throwing tomatoes Victory Volleyball Wildcats Women soccer

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