0 blood group, the differences between the characteristics of blood group B as well as blood type, having the ability to demonstrate compliance is a unique, like a chameleon embodies these differences! ...
B blood group people, in modern times more common, especially including cancer, heart and cardiovascular diseases against a stronger resistance have ... And the life of this disease despite the hold to the possibility always is top-notch ...
It seems likely that these properties are a large part of the many, many years relied on in migrations, immunity strengthening, then migration paths what she finds to be fed and to survive can supply the nutrients they and their negativity against earned over time the biological experimental power, owe! ...
Eg in wheat gluten lectin metabolism slows and these nutrients are stored as fat ensures that, as a well above mentioned products one or a few consumed together, these statements deteriorated further is! ... So this kind of wheat, B blood group benefits rather than harms, the ingestion should be avoided or at minimum levels should be studied to be consumed! ...
Digestion and metabolism slows down. Get the incineration of other nutrients in the body as fat blocking support to the reconstruction going on! ... And in a manner us census dangerous to the body, insulin also prevents the efficient use! ...
B blood group diet according to the following table to implement a nutrition program, for people with blood group B, can be extremely helpful ... MEAT: lean meat, provided that, provided plenty of attention to portion can consume. However, some meats also may hurt you! ... B blood group people in the inherent us census tension and immune scheme us census of a possible disorders and red meat of a negative relationship and that's why red meat consumption as much as possible elitist should behave is said that ... Fatigue, weakness as well as possible problems faced with B blood group people, cigars, beef and chicken meat consumption, rather us census than low-fat sheep, lamb and goat meat should prefer! ... (Organic meat is always first choice is the reason why! ...) However, to chicken in the habit of the individuals as well, instead of turkey meat by consuming chicken meat on the negative lectins from as far as possible away from the chances they will have! ... The only problem turkey meat everywhere and especially in Anatolia and Thrace too much is not spread is a ... turkey meat generally feel useful us census and should be requested from your shopping spot ... And for example; From turkey breast, too cooked, without drying the meat; garlic, olive oil and crushed pepper marinated with olive oil, thyme marinated turkey breast grill and also diced red thigh meat made from tas kebap, would be ideal ... Especially tas kebab, lamb distinguish us census even if you will not! ... Chicken Meat although rich in protein, nutritious, healthy and economical compared to red meat as a food Although; nutritional sciences us census who are engaged in some scientists, this meat in the lectins, especially B and AB blood groups of people into the arteries of damage they say, this product is less and careful consumed the necessity us census to mention are! ... Our level of consumption is less rabbit meat in the B blood group It is useful to people ... Males portions of meat, 120-180 grams, women and children, it should not exceed 60 to 150 grams! ... Mankind's ancestors; Caucasians, African and the Asian ... Weekly diet portions were collected in three groups according to those groups can exhibit variability ... lean red meat products; Two to three times a week Caucasian descent, Asian descent us census and African descent are also two to three times a week again, can consume three to four times a week ... to poultry; Caucasian descent, two to three times a week, others twice a week, for three times may consume ... B blood group; VERY HELPFUL MEAT PRODUCTS: Mutton, lamb, goat meat, rabbit meat and venison ... NEUTRAL MEAT PRODUCTS: Beef, veal, turkey meat, pheasant meat and liver ... HAZARDOUS MEAT PRODUCTS: Chicken, pork meat, goose meat, duck meat, partridge meat, quail meat, heart, and this poster made from sausage, ham, salami and sausages ... MARINE PRODUCTS: Aegean sea in the depths of the cold waters of the living mackerel, sardines, tongue-like fish, oceans Omega- 3 mainly salmon and cod are generally beneficial to the B blood group ... High quality protein involves the contribution of these groups offer. B group of the people on them damaging lectins, including us census shellfish from as far as possible should be avoided are ... VERY HELPFUL SEAFOOD: sardine, mackerel, horse mackerel, bonito, wahoo, language, shad, salmon, sea unable to accept, whiting, pike, behold , sturgeon, sturgeon caviar ... NEUTRAL SEAFOOD: Tuna fish, trout, swordfish, turbot, bluefish, full-snapper, red mullet, red mullet, perch, sharks, herring, squid
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