Friday, June 6, 2014

We suggest, when you switch to the blood group diet; your body becomes weak and the normal transiti

With a series of blood group diet of readers will be the subject in order to be fully foundations, have been drafted earlier in the same chapter,'' Lectins ... and friendly, and the enemy! ... Our priorities should read his article titled''.
Blood group, in the evolution of humanity, a blood group 0, after the group are ripe. Blood group, agricultural society undergoes change in the transition to till today has remained. A group of people, according to blood group 0 and B, a little more settlers, because they have features in less militant, more vegetarian diet changes can improve the way. For the people of Anatolia, that although the supply of local differences in nutritional status, marriage records Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean regions of the people, to wake up to the group so much difficulty in crossing the diet may not be concerned. Because the food culture of the people in this region, fruit and vegetables and olive oil consumption has an important place.
As of biological structures that carry blood to the blood group; Diabetes (diabetes), marriage records heart and vascular diseases and cancer prone structure have! ... Actually these diseases, blood group fate, although not again for them only a significant risk of supply shall! ... And the blood groups , which according to them this diet (nutrition) format, if applied as a food culture; strengthening the immune system, keeps many diseases in their lives threatened, they can def seduction! ...
We suggest, when you switch to the blood group diet; your body becomes weak and the normal transition process will naturally begin! ... If you have the habit of eating meat, food from your diet in a way that makes it toxic effect when you remove; Do not lose weight too fast in the first stage, it is inevitable! ...
In contrast to blood group 0, the reverse situation metabolism marriage records of blood group show! Animal foods, blood group 0 in metabolism, increasing speed, while generally positive çıkarırlark occurs, a different marriage records blood group to interact! As blood group, we think that, once you eat meat, vegetables, mainly in contrast to the lightness of a dish created in you, yourself become cumbersome after a while, exhausted, marriage records in a state of reduced energy have felt! Some blood groups, these cumbersome after eating the food, the digestion is slowed down, that the accumulation of fluid in the body (temporary weight gain) have seen!
0 group, as fuel when storing meat, meat with blood in the final analysis, oil stores marriage records convert! This difference is significant because of the stomach acid. 0 blood groups because they have a high level of stomach acid, comfortable digest meat. Blood group, switch to the farming community, agricultural products, and feeding habits of the winning horse at the end of the adaptation process, on the lower level have gained the ability to secrete gastric acid. That's why blood group, meat and dairy products marriage records can not digest well.
Dairy products animating insulin reactions, constitute a major cause of metabolism to slow down. Also as in meat, dairy products, also has an excess marriage records of saturated. This is the heart, as well as increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes also (diabetes) can cause! ...
Wheat and products, blood group, for a complex effect sahiptir. blood groups in moderation, provided that the small amounts of wheat can be consumed (organic, it is preferred.) Because wheat and its derivatives, muscle tissue more acidic which makes it the energy consumption slows down, as calories mechanisms and means to force. Wheat basic feature for blood group 0, while the opposite for blood group, marriage records indicate an acidic condition. Food reactions that create these foods, food groups according to the blood that react differently is an eloquent sign for.
Blood groups, basically, kind of high wealth, vegetables and cereals with low-fat foods in the balance as if the principle of nutrition, their beneficial and harmful foods for a healthy lifestyle and their derivatives; They must know thoroughly! ...
Groups that are the most natural, marriage records healthy meat for a living, are out of eating! ...
In the West, mainly marriage records eating protein at the center of the food chain, in a stable manner, sooner is holding in his hand. In our country, not their fondness we all know ... In the West, as we also, unfortunately, plenty of fried fat and high-calorie, trans fats in the sea swims, fast-food food chain and parodies to increase continues! ....
But it's a different diet seriously and looking through the viewfinder may not be worth much to the people; The unprejudiced enough, let's look at a clear awareness of the subject. Presented to you (very little though) this guidance; A group pose a risk to you, cancer, heart and vascular disease protection, we will be able to provide significant contributions. Peter j.adamo; take time to switch to a vegetarian diet forms, recognizing that the transition process, instead of red meat and chicken, with suitable varieties of fish a week, two d

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