Sunday, July 6, 2014

Direction is archaic marie therese and incoherent, but this is hardly a surprise to anyone, given t

Short reviews: "Jonah marie therese Hex", "Monsters" |
"Jonah Hex" is one of those many titles that will not remember the next day, because your brain will be repressed the memories of the young child as repressed memories of having experienced incest. And it should be the opposite, because the film has all the prerequisites to be a summer hit, and that of such quality - there is a talented actor for the lead role / Josh Brolin / have otherwise villain who the audience loves to hate / John Malkovich / is corrupt beauty marie therese with bursting chest that moves men pants / Megan Fox / and dynamic storyline that does not leave the viewer in a state of half-sleep. How so many positives can make a huge negative?
Pretty easy really, especially when we consider marie therese the fact that "Jonah Hex" fails to striking the right tone and being a comic adaptation, not only disappoint fans of the graphical medium, but viewers who was first introduced to this nifty character . The script is simple to digest, so that every individual stunted brain is not lost in history marie therese - completely normal result marie therese coming from creative cretins behind misunderstandings "Crank 1 & 2" and "Gamer." Jonah Hex is the military of the United States Army during the Civil War, which is singed by manly cheek by General Turnbull because he killed his son in breach of an order. For more weight, general marie therese kills Hex's marie therese family and himself left him in a non-dead state of mind and body. Branding as a mule farm and become a cowboy equivalent of Two-Face, Hex is rescued by Indians flock who returned marie therese to his feet and give him a bonus ability to communicate well with fresh corpses and with decaying ones. Optimized with new skills, Jonah began to search his nemesis at the same time started a private practice part-time as a fisher of men. Touted by its visual ugliness, hexane / help from a flock of crows filthy and followed by his faithful lousy inks / poem sunset in search of a vendetta. marie therese Finally received it. Any surprises?
The rest of the story is not to tell, but not because there lies something super original, but rather because at the moment I have difficulty remembering what the hell was going on most of the time. The film playfully tries to combine real historical events marie therese with fiction infernal contraption in the same way as Barry Sonnenfeld has mocked the American past in "Wild Wild West", but with the difference that Sonnenfeld acted knowing to create lousy parody, while " Jonah Hex "is so swollen with self-esteem is like a vein in the body of Sylvester Stallone. The grim tone of the title does not help much for its atmosphere because it is mixed with a dose of humor, funny and motivated characters and logical scenes and other a-bsurdi who even Brisco County Jr.. might envy. Brolin is itself endure in his role as impartial Avenger, although caste in such seedy project is an insult to his career so far. Malkovich also doing a passable impersonation of a villain, though similar mentally unstable antagonist already been played by his grandfather John repeatedly. Feminine slap in the caste is your sister, Megan Fox, who made one of his last film roles, even during the filming probably marie therese still lived with the illusory idea that it is the successor to Marilyn Monroe. Fox is the same devoid of depth farted that we remember from "Transfomars", this time playing exactly what was born - Renaissance whore. Unfortunately, it is obvious that the whole role mainly gravitate marie therese around her two fat boobs, which in most of the scenes are half out of her modest attire, at times threatening to rip her clothing cheap slut. Unfortunately, the film is content PG-13, so the uncensored scenes it will remain only in perverse Your Imagination.
Direction is archaic marie therese and incoherent, but this is hardly a surprise to anyone, given that the previous experience of Jimmy Hayward was directing the animated proboscis James Carrey marie therese in "Horton." Music by Marco Beltrami is also a ridiculous combination of rock, cluttered with old school western rhythms that make the film even more unbearable kitsch. However, "Jonah Hex" brings a sense of the potential, albeit elusive even half. Whether because marie therese of the fact that the hero is a fresh breeze in the commonplace line of comic book film superpedali or because the genre of western wear its classic charm, in whatever form is served OAKA not know. I know that Hollywood has to put an end obsession adapt each waste depicted in pictures, otherwise it threatens total creative marie therese constipation. Until then, watch cowboy parable and enjoy that "Warner Brothers" did not allow the film in theaters in Bulgaria, because then you would be doubly marie therese nervous

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