Tuesday, July 8, 2014

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William McKinley (William McKinley) was the 25th President of the United States (1897-1901). Remains in history for his contributions to the expansion of the colonies trove newspapers and territories of the United States. As a result of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, the former Spanish trove newspapers colonies of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines were annexed by the United States, and after the victory of the Spanish-American War were annexed Cuba, the Philippines and Hawaii. McKinley helps build a Republican coalition that dominates national policy.
William McKinley, Jr., was born in Niles, Ohio, on January 29, 1843. He was the seventh trove newspapers of nine children of William Sr. and Nancy (Allison) McKinley. His grandfather, David McKinley, a veteran of the American Revolution, settled in Ohio in 1790. William's parents are of Scots-Irish and English descent. When he was 10 years old, the family moved to Ohio. He graduated from Seminary and Mount Union College. Member of the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon. In 1860 for a period Alegeyni visited the Academy, but did not receive a degree as fell ill and returned home.
At the beginning of the American Civil War, William McKinley joined the allied army. In June 1861 participated in the 23rd Ohio Infantry. trove newspapers He was promoted to sergeant, then a few more increases reaching the rank of captain, which dismissed from the army.
After the war, McKinley joined the Law School in Albany, NY, and received a law license. Practiced law in Canton and worked as a prosecutor (1869-1871) in Stark County. When in June 1876 thirty-three striking miners are closed for riot McKinley defend them in court and refused to accept the fee. This increases its popularity. Republicans elected him to the House of Representatives of Ohio (1877-1882 and 1885-1891). McKinley tariff design that makes the highest percentage in history.
William trove newspapers McKinley failed elections in 1890. The next year he became Governor of Ohio, defeating Democrat James E. Campbell. Reelected in 1893, when he won over Lawrence T. Neal. As governor, he imposed excise tax on corporations, secured safety for transportation workers and restricted the activities of the associations of employers. He held the post until January 1896. Was elected president of the United States in 1896, after defeating William Brian.
In 1898 McKinley launched an offensive against trusts and monopolies and creates Industrial Commission, which appoints senators and governors. McKinley leads the Spanish-American War, which led to the acquisition of the Philippines and the Caribbean Sea from the United trove newspapers States. Under his management the country enters the New Imperialism. In 1900, McKinley defeated Bryan again and was re-elected. This time foreign policy trove newspapers is paramount.
The president and his wife attend the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. On September 5, 1901 he gave a speech on tariffs and foreign trade. trove newspapers The next morning, before returning to the exhibition visited Niagara Falls. That afternoon at 16:07 anarchist Leon Frank Cholgosh shot twice president. The first bullet falls into the shoulder, and the second pass through the stomach, pancreas and kidneys, and to the muscles of the back. Doctors are the first bullet, but could not find the second. Seeing that McKinley trove newspapers recover, consider that not to inflict more damage is better to let the patient as it is the morning of September 12, the state of McKinley is improving, but the afternoon going into shock.
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