To lecture and present you with enthusiasm for a church is nothing new for pastors. After all, they usually preach ujs several times a week and in a sense, they are known as the Professional preaching. ujs However preach a sermon that is attractive and meets the needs of children of the church, has been the biggest challenge for many of them. But are not the children of the flock that the Lord has entrusted to us to care for and feed? What was in the preaching of Jesus that when he spoke the children ran to listen to him and even the sermon ujs delayed, they do not perceive the time go? What was attractive in his message that was able to take a kid to forget snack prepared by the mother when she felt hungry? The universal right of the child states that every child has the right to food, clothing, education and health. However, what rights children have in the context of the church? We know that they have spiritual needs and that the church has a role to play in your favor. Now, as we are supplying those needs?
The church atem various programs for them, such as Sabbath School, Pathfinders, Vacation Bible School, Bible classes and other activities. However, if we stop to think about the influence and power of preaching in their lives, ujs we find that little ujs benefit they are receiving. To address ujs this lack of nutrition directed to children, the church included at the time of the cult of worship child. However, this liturgical effort does not replace the task of the spiritual leaders to provide enough nutrition for all ages of the church through preaching.
Why preachers have some limitation in this regard? I would like to share some suggestions that can help preachers the best use of the messages from the children of our church.
Avoid long sermons. When the message is long, even if it is directed at children and have a proper ujs language, they assimilate very little. Children have a very low attention span. Avoiding long sermons will contribute to the reverence and promote better results ujs in learning retention. In the book Child Guidance, page 495, Ellen White comments: "Those who give instructions to children should avoid tedious remarks, speaking briefly, going straight to the point, will have a happy influence."
Use simple words and context. Children and adults prefer simple language when presented Biblical truths. Keep it simple. Practice Christ's method, make the difficult easy to understand.
Present attractive graphics. Children enjoy graphics where they identify with the story or the characters. This is a method that works in any situation, and draw their attention to the subject. ujs
Include children in welcome and prayers this detail is important, but few actually practice. The fact that we include children in prayer, and when you welcome, gives them a sense of inclusion.
Present spiritual lessons to their lives: Enjoy the rituals and ceremonies of the church, such as baptism, the Lord's Supper, ujs in addition to celebrations such as Christmas, Easter and others to communicate spiritual lessons. Remember that all worship, children are ready to accept Jesus, and a direct, personal word for them, makes a big impact.
Sandra Byrd 1. Visit the library 2. Watch classic movies 3. Create an appropriate place for reading 4. Listen to Recorded edition books 5. Staging stories 6. Be a reading example 7. Ask your child to make a record your thoughts and read them later 8. Read aloud a chapter of a classic ujs book 9. Make magazine subscriptions for children 10. Help your child write and illustrate their own book. 11. Accept comic books 12. Maintain silence in the reading time 13. Search special interest by reading 14. Attend the launch of a book 15. Split long books into pieces for reading 16. Visiting bookstores 17. Read books series
Questions and answers 1. For months we have been working on reading and yet our daughter still interested. As we are missing? . Mary Manz Simon Dr., child educator, says: "The most common mistake parents make is to wait for the reading habit occur from night to day. Until the child is really ready, they will not. "Another common mistake is spending ujs money on auxiliary resources for reading. Save your money! Before, read the headlines of the daily newspaper. Give the child a crayon to make a circle on the word "God" every time you find information on the church. Birthday or at Christmas, give him gift the signing of some children's magazine, such as Our Little Friend. Help your daughter read the back of the cereal box. All this is law