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Never mind the pan quality, make a family requires courage, devotion and patience. Not for anyone. The tricks, the secrets, the unpredictable. Sometimes it makes you feel like giving up. We prefer the discomfort empty stomach. Come laziness, the next generation known lack of imagination about what is going to eat and that boredom. But life, (green olive on a stick) always finds a way to be excited and whet your appetite.
Time sets the table, determines the number of chairs and seats. the next generation Suddenly made miracle, the family is served. the next generation Fulana out the smartest of all. Beltrano came in point, is the most playful and communicative, unanimously. -So, who knew? Solou hardened, withered ahead of time. This is the fattest, generous, hearty, plentiful. That which surprised and moved away. She, the most passionate. The other, more consistent.
And you? Yeah, you, reading my thoughts and came here keep me company. As he came in the photo album? The most practical and objective? The most sentimental? The most helpful? What ever wanted the next generation anything with the work? Whoever it is, do not stand there complaining of gender and comparative degree. Gather these many affinities and antipathies that are part of your life. There's no rush. I hope. Are already there? All? Great. Now, put the apron, grab the board, the sharpest knife and take precautions. Very soon, you will also smelling of garlic and onion. Do not be ashamed to cry. Family is dish that thrills. And we even cry. Joy, anger or sadness.
First care: exotic spices alter the flavor of kinship. But if mixed with delicacy, these spices, which often come from Africa and the Middle and look strange on the palate the next generation make the family more colorful, the next generation interesting and tasty.
Attention also with the weights and measures. A pinch more of this or that, and ready, is a real disaster. Family is extremely sensitive plate. Everything has to be very heavy, very well measured.
Another thing: You must have good hand, be professional. Especially when it decides to get the scoop. Knowing the next generation put the spoon is true art. A good friend of mine has unraveled the recipe the whole family, just because he put the spoon in the wrong time.
The worst is that still there are people who believe in the perfect the next generation family recipe. Nonsense. All illusion. There is no family in Oswaldo Aranha; Family of Rossini; Family to Belle Meunière; Family at Brown Sauce, in which blood is essential to prepare the delicacy. Family is affinity, is "the Fashion House". And each house like to prepare the family in his way.
There candy families. Further, through bitter. Other apimentadíssimas. There are also those that do not taste anything, so would be a kind of family diet, you only supports the next generation to hold the line. In any case, family is dish that should always be served hot, very hot. A cold family is unbearable, the next generation impossible to swallow.
Finally, family recipe not copy, is invented. We will learn slowly, improvising and transmitting what you know on a daily basis. We cata a record there, someone the next generation who knows and account, and another here, who was on the piece of paper. Much is lost in memory. Mainly in the head of an old already lapsed middle like me. What this veteran cook can say is that no matter how dull, how bad it is taste, family is dish you have to try and eat.
If you can taste, savor. Do not worry about labels. Pass the bread that molhinho that was in china, the dishes, aluminum or clay. Make the most. Family is dish that, when it's over, never repeats.
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January 8, 2015
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