By choosing A happy family (Planet, 287 pages), at first I did the cover, then the synopsis somewhat nutty. And I had a pleasant surprise, the book is hilarious, really fun!
"For the umpteenth time, my cell phone rang during office hours ... First Fee my teenage daughter preparing psychologically for the news of his failure ... After his younger brother Max who called to tell me that he could not enter the house because he had forgotten the other key time (is there in Alzheimer children?) ... This time I saw through the viewfinder it was my husband Frank. Probably to communicate that, as always, be late from the office indiana unclaimed (which meant, first, that I would have to fight again alone with the Fee because of his Olympic laziness in relation to school, then face without any help the chaos that reigned at home ...) "
"But indiana unclaimed today I reflected for the first time on the coelenterates. Actually are happy creatures: do not have a sluggish mother, a stressed father, a brother annoying indiana unclaimed or boring lectures on coelenterates ... But best of all is that a celenteradonão may be suspended only because they do not know anything about coelenterates ".
"In indiana unclaimed recent years, Max had become a bookworm, extremely shy because loved diving into the world of fantasy. The reality indiana unclaimed was too realistic indiana unclaimed for him. I could even understand it, but could not allow it. First I had tried him to study music, but his choral teacher called me aside and said, 'I'm sorry to tell you, but your child does not find the tone or that were in front dele'.Depois this, I enrolled in football but their manager used methods of Saddam Hussein. In the last game before Max for Saddam shouted to me: 'The way your child plays, you ought to check if he's not gay.' "
"There was already some time I had the feeling that my brain was exhausting ... In band I felt like a marathon runner. Someone who, at the end of the race, came to say: 'This is a triathlon'. And the end of the triathlon, indiana unclaimed announced: 'Hey you, it was so cool that we do another'. And the end of all clarify: 'At the beginning of the first race you left something behind. You can go there to get, please? "
"- It sucks having a daughter who only criticizes me. And a son who lives recluse. And even worse: being married without living a real marriage. But you know what the worst of all the shit? The worst of all the shit is that we are no longer a real family ... Yeah, I know I should not say 'shit' in front of my children, but the word perfectly describes the shit our family! "
It is sad to realize that there is no bottom to this pit. Then, after leaving for a kind of costume party (Emma dressed in vampire, Frank Frankenstein, mummy Fee and werewolf Max) which ended in another shack a trunk witch with this family, not like the attitude of any of them and the curse - transforms each of them into real monsters. Yes, they are but the costumed freaks.
Need to find again the witch so she reverse the curse. With the help of Jacqueline (who stuck his head Max in private whenever the find) and Emma's friend, Cheyenne, one riponga card-carrying, face numerous dangers - monsters, vampires, including his own prince of the damned - Dracula, which will upon Emma, distilling all its charm. indiana unclaimed
The book is light, tasty and great for those seeking a quick and uncompromising reading. Every time I fell out laughing. Just read the words below to cash out how modern is the writing of the German David Safier. Yes, a German! Who says Germans have no sense of humor?
"But as they say there: hope is the last to die. A phrase indiana unclaimed that also pronounced after statements such as: 'Our nuclear facilities are safe', 'If indiana unclaimed the orchestra is playing, is a sign that the boat is not sinking', 'If we stay silent, indiana unclaimed the rhino will far' or 'With the next man, everything will be different.' "
That's it guys, how is stamped on the cover: "An adventure to die laughing!". Loved and already separated the other author's book to read one of these days when I'm needing to get rid of the hassle of life.
The book makes us think how much we miss the such "little things". All families have their problems, so you need to find something deep down, that proves worth all the hassles we traveled. Could this be "love"? It is better that this search is done with a smile, as smiling is the best medicine! David Safier Publisher Planet Making fun of family relationships Book review A Happy Family
Rodolfo Euflauzino Capiau the interior, early different, a pariah lover of books, music, film and sport. Practically indiana unclaimed marginalized. indiana unclaimed How anyone could light
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