Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Generally, it is possible to talk about a certain ring system lifecycle knowledge - they are create

To be as rich as Rothschild? Then you must know that the source of wealth and power are primarily information and the ability to deal with them effectively. This article is a brief insight monroe county into information and knowledge management, which deals with this issue.
Knowledge management is one of the phenomena of contemporary management theory, management, but also social science. It focuses on the transfer of knowledge, data and information within the company, allowing its competitiveness in the information society. Being rich as Rothschild
Probably everyone is familiar with the Rothschild family, at least in the popular saying which denotes someone to be extremely wealthy and successful. Few but who knows how the family to his wealth monroe county had arrived.
The story begins with Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt founded the banking house. He quickly realized that Europe early 19th century undergoing major changes and need to have good information. His son Solomon sent to Vienna, the son of James to Paris to Milan Kalamanna, Nathan in London and Amsel he had with him in Frankfurt. Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Typical for the whole family was able to operate his business in time of war, crisis and economic growth. Thanks to its discretion and little connection with specific governments. His couriers roamed throughout Europe and beyond money and securities transporting a number of interesting information - from harvest survey, over lists of disasters, marriages and other information. But it's time nobody knew and did not pay attention.
With this information, the family was very well able to decide to whom and at what interest rate or other terms may borrow money. monroe county Ran the same key as the purchase of government bonds and other investment banks family events.
The key moment was for the family but the battle of Waterloo. Nathan was the largest individual monroe county privacy, the owner of British bonds, and Wellington's army had lost, it would be for the whole family immense monroe county economic loss. Indeed, almost the entire army Majesty was armed and paid out of his pocket. And it was he who first learned the outcome of the London monroe county encounter with Napoleon. Nathan Rothschild
Nathan walked into the Exchange calm and slow pace. He took his usual place at one pole and waved motioned for his people monroe county what to do. They started selling British government bonds. Other brokers, who knew that Nathan always has the best information guessed that Wellington has suffered a setback, panicked and started monroe county to also get rid of debt. The price of bonds began to decline until it collapsed. At that moment, Nathan bought back. And in a few moments from the family bank became the largest financial power in the world. Why is the information valuable?
The story is among the best known examples of what we might call management information. monroe county The whole family will surely cost them retain and attract considerable resources and often happen to them, that the findings did not use at all. The overall knowledge base that you create and the ability to deliver timely right information to the right people, but decided on their economic monroe county and geo-political monroe county success.
It is the information you decide which entity monroe county or individual will be successful in today's society and which are not. It should be understood but the entire quartet of basic concepts - data, information, knowledge and wisdom. monroe county Without their good understanding of information management can not very well talk. To address this issue we will return in the next chapter.
The key here is that current knowledge management uses largely information technology to ensure that the information acquired, analyzed and evaluated. In this respect, in the truest sense to talk about the information revolution. The consequences are well-known - just between 1960 and 1995, labor productivity in the US has doubled. They began to develop a completely new society and business organizations, changing structure of firms and ultimately shorten the innovation and economic cycles.
For the successful economic situation requires speed rating information, acquiring new resources, effective communication and collaboration between people and so on. In this regard, monroe county it is imperative efficient cultivation knowledge management. Hand in hand with this is also growing need for management professionals, their sophistication.
Equally important is also the position of the new aspects of management - Business Intelligence, Information dashboard or information systems. To fundamentally change the way businesses operate, what processes take place in them, who and on what evidence he decides. Where, a thesis that can improve what we measure, then knowledge management presents background on which to recently measurable processes within organizations to measure, and thus effectively influence.
Generally, it is possible to talk about a certain ring system lifecycle knowledge - they are created monroe county and then captured a suitable system, classified, stored, monroe county managed and presented so that they can become the base for new knowledge. From this perspective, j

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