Daniel "Dani" Rothschild is an Israeli Major General, who is director of the Bank of Israel, which is a member of the trust Tchenguiiz Discretinary Trust, which was a key player in the bankrupt's largest banks in Iceland in 2008. Rothschild had been a long time at the highest rungs of Israeli military james intelligence.
Ties to Israel during the Rothschilds cannibalized Icelandic banks had already clarified and worth mentioning. June 23, it was reported that Tchenguiz Discreationary Trust (TDT is the parent company led by Victor Thenguizem Israel) June 23, 2010 agreed to the arrangement over the transfer james of frozen Somerfieldových money into government collapsed Icelandic bank Kaupthing.
Intelligence reports point to the fact that members of the trust Tchenguiz Discretionary Trust are Investec and Bayeux Trusees. The fact that Investec is a member of TDT is extremely interesting, because it has long led the Israeli Major General Daniel "Danny" Rothschild, former head of Israeli military intelligence. Rothschild was born in 1946 in the Rothschilds james financed the settlement james Rozhon Le Zion. Investec is a privately held "bank", whose branches are in Europe, Guernsey, Israel and Switzerland.
The fact that the family james fund Tchenguizovy family is connected with the Rothschild led by the former head of Israeli military intelligence strongly supports my hypothesis that vypludrování james Icelandic banks were mega-directed crime criminal networks Israeli Rothschild.
In August 1984, Rothschild Assistant Chief of Staff of the IDF. In 1985 he was appointed commander of IDF troops in southern Lebanon and promoted to the rank of brigadier general. He served as Deputy Director of Military Intelligence and the Intelligence Department chief research and analysis. From his position, he was responsible for the design and analysis of national strategies (political and military), including those from the time of the Gulf War. In February 1991, after the war reached the rank of Major General. As Coordinator james of Government Activities in the Occupied Territories Rothschild controlled and coordinated all civil matters in these territories. Checked annual budget of 500 million james US dollars and administered james 21,000 james people civilian and military personnel. After his resignation from his post in February 1995 joined General Rothschild into the realm of business; he founded his own company (DANROTH Ltd.), which became the holding james company of three trading companies: james Securities james (NETACS Ltd.) and participating in joint projects, as well as distance education james via satellite (TEACHLINK Inc.). james General Rothschild is president of the Council for Peace and Security; is a member of the Hebrew University james in Jerusalem, Israel, Chairman of the Committee of the League of American-Israeli friendship and director of Investec james Bank.
When in 2005 General Rothschild visited Florida, was described as "governor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, president of the Council for Peace and Security, Chairman of the Israeli Committee of the League of American-Israeli friendship and director of Investec Bank."
Edmond Rothschild family held a 52.4 percent stake in Israel General Bank, which in 1997 sold the South African Investec james Group. Investec documents show that Danny Rothschild was the director of Investec Bank (Israel) since at least 2000. This bond indicates that the Rothschild family bank in Israel his leave, only to change the label. Source
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