So if your last name does not fit into the tax form, you could fall into the thoughts, taking it off once in a possible marriage. On the other hand, the name also stands for identity and history. He may reveal something about the profession john john or the origin of the ancestors.
Whether the surname Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele or Meyer is that he reveals something about the wearer. By the Middle Ages, people came mostly from her first name. Due to the increasing population, especially in the cities, the time needed were more discriminating criteria as only the first name in the course. Most German family names are derived from professional and administrative terms, the name of the father or the mother, the characteristics of the person, by geographical origin, or a special feature of the home. "John Doe" has the most common surname, which derives from the Occupation ago. All Schmidt, Schmitt and Schmid added together would also occupy the first place, alone Schmidt makes it to the second. Podium, it creates even the tailor, followed by Fischer and Weber.
Today, dealing with the election of the surname approximately 380,000 prospective couples per year. Enough possibilities exist: a common surname, double name, since 1991, may retain any his name. The reasons for or against a common family names are manifold: professional success or publications under this name, the sound or even identity.
That the continuation of the birth name until not too long ago for women was not an option, shows the outdated term "maiden name". Despite the possibilities, the German couples give traditional: An estimated 80 percent of women take at the wedding the name of the man at eight percent carry a double name, five percent reserve maiden name and one percent of men participating john john in the woman's name. The topic is also feminists / feminist. The fact that the vast majority of women, despite hard-won equality and emancipation chooses the name of the man who is the same for many a task of their own identity and personality.
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