Monday, October 13, 2014

Other interesting items iOS 6 Problem: After updating contacts are gone iPhone, iPad, iPod Samsung

Samsung Galaxy S5 contacts sort by last name - App Blog
How can you sort your existing contacts by last name on the Samsung Galaxy S5. This feature not only have we wanted some time but certainly also make use of many other people who rely on the contacts app and this quite often. The standard is then sorted by first name, which indeed may well make sense in the private sector, but not in the business field. While directly einspeichert most private contacts or friends only by their first name, as can be seen directly at first glance which friends is behind it. However, if one uses the Samsung Galaxy S5 business, then it is partly certainly not as easy to figure out how the customer was still called by their first names. Therefore, we have made looking at the entries in the Contacts app to sort by last name, and struck gold. Since it could certainly be interesting to others, we have summarized our approach on this page. Report any further question via the comment function young williams of this page.
Now we come to the important part of this article and that is our guide to sort the entries in the Contacts app by the last name. This guide does not only work with the Samsung Galaxy S5 but with all popular Samsung smartphones that come with the new Android operating system and the Contacts app. In the first step you need to take your Galaxy S5 at hand and then open the contacts app. Open the next step the context menu using the menu button and go to the option "Sort by" there. Here you have then set the ability to sort on the last name for the first name but both. Have you set the point in the little window, then the contacts will now always properly sorted immediately once the app is opened.
Do you have more questions about contacts one by a Samsung Galaxy S5 or you do not come at a step further? If so, then we like to write a comment and we'll can it possibly help.
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