Thursday, October 2, 2014

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Since your update to iOS 8, the names of your contacts in the format "T. Cook "displayed? Since you are not the only ones! Fortunately there is a simple solution, if you want to have back the old display. terron armstead
While iOS 7 - such as an SMS or iMessage conversation - yet the full contact name is displayed, Apple has apparently decided in iOS 8 quietly for a different format and is now the name in the format "T. Cook "(ie initial [first name], last name) is.
To return terron armstead to the old format (or alternative other formats), you have the settings on your iPhone. Suppresses terron armstead there on the heading Mail, Contacts, Calendars and then scroll down to the heading contacts. Typed there on short name.
By default, the format of initial (first name), surname is here chosen iOS 8. To the old format - the full first and last name - return, you must disable the button next to short name.
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