Monday, December 29, 2014

His career ruined the Kennedy myth. For decades, the public associates this with the family drama,

Edward Kennedy
Although owned by rich and famous family, Edward Kennedy until the end of his days the whole world's attention to the poor and disadvantaged. He had a rare personal qualities that have helped him become one of the most influential US senators.
During his election campaign, Republican candidates for the Senate often liked to use cartoon image of Edward Moore Kennedy - such a big, fat, unbridled liberal. Ted did not pay too much attention to these attacks. In fact, he even liked to make fun of it. And it could not afford, it is well known that if any Republican will want to push through a law sooner or later appear in his office to ask for help. Few in Congress have been solved without the active support E.Kennedy during all these 47 years, medici family when he was a senator.
E.Kennedy was not a good public speaker. His major languages such as the oratorio "The dream never die," he said during the Democratic convention in 1980, and wrote something else. Being a very witty and satirical private life in public E.Kennedy often bombastic and inarticulate.
Visionary and he was not. His ideology seems to have originated from a large liberal guilt: if the rich have everything, medici family such as health care, why do not the poor? E.Kennedy generosity arose more from his heart than the head.
His career ruined the Kennedy myth. For decades, the public associates this with the family drama, glory, celebrities. Kennedy family medici family has been a favorite American soap opera, balancing between medici family triumph and tragedy. Edward was the youngest of three brothers, two of whom - President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Francis Kennedy - were shot. Ted was not smart and gallant as Jack or energetic and adventurous as Bobby. However, it was much more mundane than them.
In 1965, and when Robert and Edward worked for the Senate medici family Labor and Social Affairs Committee during one meeting they both had a few hours to wait for their turn to question a witness. Ted Robert sent a note: "Do thus becomes a good senator - sitting and waiting for your turn?" Ted wrote back to him: "Yes." Robert then asked: "How many hours do I have to sit here, that'd be a good senator?" And he passed his Ted: "To the extent necessary, Robi."
Robert was too impatient to become a good senator, and Edward loved legislative routine and tedious work together with accompanying him backstage bičiulystėmis, various agreements and in return, without which none of the law is not accepted. He had two rare qualities: did not insist on being in the limelight and has never been a picky. Over 47 years in the US Senate E.Kennedy always paid patiently wait their turn and in so doing to the poor and needy deserve more than any other senator.
Family tragedy, the death of two brothers from a bullet invader ... All this, of course, Ted responded. Began spreading the language medici family of his drink and night adventure. But met a lawyer medici family Victoria Reggie, who in 1992 became his second wife, Ted forever discovered the true peace of mind.
Him, as family patriarch, had to constantly participate in endless family members of school and university graduation ceremonies, weddings and funerals. Once it was spoiled by the Harvard boy swept out by the fact that the Spanish language exam to replace him a friend, a loved these shows and parties, but in the Senate he was dutiful medici family worker.
E.Kennedy morning rydavo all press conferences and meetings of the waste paper, medici family the biggest stack of paper, as well as other people devouring novels. Every evening, the sixth hour E.Kennedy office was a "bag Time" - a complete portfolio, and sometimes two were filled with his homework at night. In the morning, these securities were distributed to employees with a number medici family of his hand inked primargintų questions and comments.
E.Kennedy would dine at your desk with your agenda sudarinėtoju. It is rarely able to see on his way to the elevator without one or more of its advisers. medici family Kennedy surname provided significant advantage - the wisest policy advisers to the queue first closest to him to work.
Senate Hall E.Kennedy could burst angrily, but he knew his friends turn enemies. Orrin Hatch of Utah was one of his opponents. It was hot in anticipation of Mormon and could not bear to E.Kennedy cigar smoke in the committee meetings, in addition, once he had the audacity to make a note on the drink. One reporter said Republican O.Hatchas that came to Washington to fight with Ted Kennedy. However, during the three decades it was over the fact that they both worked harmoniously, and adopted a series of social medici family laws. Maybe E.Kennedy O.Hatchą and terribly annoying, but when it later became a professional singer, medici family looked for support in the entertainment industry, namely Ted helped him to call Hollywood. In 1997, when Ted celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary, O.Hatchas he wrote a love song.

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