Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Who am I? Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Neighbor. Friend. Sometimes the enemy. I

It's hard to imagine life without physical contact with another person, without tenderness, without love. Due to the closeness and trust we build our relationships, getting to know and create something important. You can not overstate the importance of simple, small forms of close contact with their loved ones, especially with children. They kiss and cuddle like fish need water. International Day of hugs is a good moment to highlight the advantages of this contact.
Sensitive touch is important from the first moments of life. Has a positive effect on the course of physiological processes, improves the system: immune, respiratory and circulatory systems. onstar family link Moreover, also affects mental development of the child. Many studies show clearly that children who are often cuddled are clear, open, confident, onstar family link learn faster, easier to adapt to new situations, they feel safe in different environments. More about the so-called. the first touch, you can read here.
The young man who is often hugged, reproduces onstar family link this behavior when he grows up. There is no problem with his feelings, easily establishing contacts, can be sincere and friendly towards peers, creates relationships based on the principle of give and take (extremes are not desirable). There is no doubt that hugging and showing sensitivity to our children, we equip them with important skills of respect onstar family link and reciprocity with other people.
Hugging is a clear non-verbal message: "You are important," "I onstar family link care about you", "feel safe", "I onstar family link love you". Parent touch calms children, no matter whether they have a month or 4 years old, at every stage of life fulfills a similar function. Number of touch, which is admittedly we give decreases with age, but it does not change our need for intimacy. In psychology, talks about the parent as a secure base, which may initially alleviate anxiety by a hug, a kiss, take the child in his arms, then it is sufficient that the parent is in sight. onstar family link I am not a supporter of such a child detention. It does not take crying in his arms, afraid, it does not stay calm because he has to learn to be independent. If you do not have to deal with the hysteria in a toy store or forcing and manipulation on the playground, I did not contact oszczędzałabym child, taking on the hands or quiet conversation on the lap of a parent.
Let us remember that babies have different fears, may scare the shadow on the wall and have a problem with sleeping in a dark room, you can not cope with a task and afraid of another failure. It is not worth their while they are frustrated too small, life, and so do his. And we give them a sense of a secure and peaceful onstar family link environment in which to explore, experience, make mistakes, fear and cuddle up to us when they need it.
But when we bad, we are sad, we have a problem, onstar family link nothing works better than a strong, heartfelt hug. Then we feel safe, quiet, just right! Thus, to do :) It's better for one hug too much than too little.
Who am I? Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Neighbor. Friend. Sometimes the enemy. I'm a woman. Cleaning lady, cook, gardener, fashionista fejsbookowiczką and throwing onstar family link up on all the millions of ideas for yourself and life. I'm thirty years old, two daughters - Peppa Dzordz three years and one year old military onstar family link man - uniforms, to the two dogs, although we suspect onstar family link that the genes of moles, because love to dig burrows in the backyard. onstar family link What do I like? I like to sleep, this factor is luck I still have a little, onstar family link I like to cook, take care of the garden, read, I like to write, so I write. View my complete profile
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