Wednesday, December 3, 2014

These are important memories, so you do not answer their children. It is easier and faster to do th

Gifts ready and packing in the closet, dressed Christmas tree shopping done, windows washed, the house clean, peaceful, festive. This image may era "of children". But when babies appear, the preparations for Christmas can be a survival school for parents. How to deal with the enormity of the responsibilities and at the same time to spend time with your child? The answer seems obvious, should involve children in various activities before Christmas. Even a 3-year-old can help you in preparing for Christmas, if the cooking, cleaning and dressing the Christmas tree will do an adventure, not a tedious job.
First of all, when it is the magical time, we should answer the one very important question: why do we need the holidays? What I want to give at this time for your child? All the best holidays we prepare, we want to make it beautiful, family, quietly. With children, you might want to give up perfectionism, give it a rest. And that has to perfectionism with children and Christmas? Very much.
Striving george stinney adults to the fact that the holidays everything was perfect, causes enormous stress. We are concerned that the ears are sufficiently formed, whether the room is all arranged, and baubles on the Christmas tree are properly arranged colors. This pressure is reflected not only on the child, but it also that we often can not engage their children in Christmas housework. And that's a mistake. Because of the small children need to learn that Christmas is the time of joint preparation, help each other and most of all fun. In odstawkę should go to your computer, phone, television, because it is the only such period of the year when we can spend some time together doing something important. Baking cakes, decorating Christmas tree, common cleaning will ensure your child memories for a lifetime. I do still remember and remember well how my older brother we cleaned all the crystals and glass in the living room. Mom was washing windows, hang curtains, dad cook, and we - the cloth in his hand and brush. I loved it because we did it together, which was threatening our mother, so that one day we would go out of hand crystal george stinney and a break :) (All stand to this day in the living room.)
These are important memories, so you do not answer their children. It is easier and faster to do things yourself. But here it is not about to pass the test of "white gloves" - in terms of atmosphere. Together with the little ones can not only dress a Christmas tree, but also try to prepare for the decorations. And here is what we need to abandon this perfection for the joint work with the child. Feast prepared together carry the burden of receiving gifts on common arrays and living. Thanks to this child, instead of wasting time and wait for gifts, while parents prepare george stinney everything will wyczekiwało holidays as a time when you do something special with their parents.
This work builds in children a sense of responsibility. george stinney Realizing george stinney your child that if you do not do it, no one else as well. Children like and want to feel responsible. Accustomed from the little that something depends on them, willing to take the different challenges in life, knowing that no one in any activity not be replaced.
Let us remember that Christmas is a special time of the year, we have a chance to spend it together, co-creating together a family atmosphere of warmth, peace and joy. Everyone should give something back to this period.
Who am I? Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Neighbor. Friend. Sometimes the enemy. I'm a woman. Cleaning lady, cook, gardener, fashionista fejsbookowiczką and throwing up on all the millions of ideas for yourself and life. I'm thirty years old, two daughters - Peppa Dzordz three years and one year old military man - uniforms, to the two dogs, although we suspect that the genes of moles, because love to dig burrows in the backyard. What do I like? I like to sleep, this factor george stinney is luck I still have a little, I like to cook, take care of the garden, read, I like to write, so I write. View my complete profile
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