Thursday, August 14, 2014

When man and woman in a marriage decide to divorce, so they commit births deaths and marriages nsw

When man and woman in a marriage decide to divorce, so they commit births deaths and marriages nsw as great a sin as those who choose to live a homosexual lifestyle. If a man and a woman decide to live together without being married, so they commit as great a sin as those who choose to live a homosexual lifestyle. It is therefore sad to note how quickly some Christian churches and denominations are to speak against gay relationships, then accept that ministers, elders, the pastor and church members both stand and live together without births deaths and marriages nsw being married. God can not bless a church that lives in sin, or allowing sin, as all too many churches do when they accept divorce and cohabitation.
When God brings two people together for marriage, births deaths and marriages nsw says Mark 10: 9 us that no one has the right to separate the two apart. When alikavel happens, it's a sin on par with gay relationships. births deaths and marriages nsw
It is also God's will that man and woman should live together in marriage and not cohabiting, Mark 10: 5-8 tells us that man shall leave his father and mother and live with his wife. Not with his wife. Then when the man and woman alikavel living in cohabitation, then it is a sin on par with gay relationships.
The absolutely only valid reason for divorce is iflg.bibelen physical violence. A Christian man or woman should not be able to exercise physical violence. Once when this alikavel happens, is not the one who exercises physical violence longer than Christian. When God says through births deaths and marriages nsw the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 that the Christian is free to divorce their husband / wife, except it be a sin.
1 John letter tells us that God can and God will forgive every sin that we confess to Him and repent births deaths and marriages nsw from it. BUT notice births deaths and marriages nsw a thing, births deaths and marriages nsw we must repent of it. It does not mean that we can separate ourselves, confess, get married again then separate births deaths and marriages nsw us again. Repentance means that we leave a sin never to return to it.
That means in connection with divorce, you must confess your sin to the Lord, asking Him for forgiveness births deaths and marriages nsw and live unmarried rest of your life (Mark 10: 11-12) trusting that the Holy Spirit in us gives us self-control enough to do it. This means that if a man and a woman have lived in cohabitation, as they confess their sins to the Lord, asking Him for forgiveness and live unmarried and sexually abstinent until they are confident about God, they should marry, trusting that the Holy Spirit gives the self-control enough to be able to remain unmarried and abstinent.
But what about those who have already divorced, also remarried? Yes they have committed two sins really, they have separated (1 sin) and remarried (2 sin). When God does not want divorce, then there will be no solution to stand in this case. They just need to confess their sins, ask for forgiveness also live the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. God and God can forgive such a sin.
Once we know this, we also see clearly that marriage is not something we should enter with a light heart. The Bible tells us that we must win our spouse in holiness and honor, births deaths and marriages nsw that way we know this is God's will that we should get married. It means actively seek the Lord in the Bible and in prayer to know if this is your husband or wife sent you from God.
So some might say "but I do not marry the God wanted, so I suppose I can separate me? ". The answer to that is no, because divorce is a sin. Yes you got married maybe with someone other than the God had picked out for you, but now you are once married and then it's your and your spouse's job to get this to work. Seek ye the Lord and pray to bless the marriage you have and help you, He will surely not fail you if you actively and honestly seeking Him.
Let us fervently hope that we get a Christianity now that speaks as clearly about cohabitation and divorce as a sin, as they speak about gay relationships. DA will we really see a changed church here on earth.
When two people of the opposite sex marry, swear to love each other and be faithful to each other until death do them part. Going from one another when one is married births deaths and marriages nsw is much more complicated than going apart into a cohabitation. Marriage safeguards therefore each party feelings in a better way than cohabitation. Marriage becomes less selfish than cohabitation since it is not so easy to leave a marriage that a cohabitation.
If you say that you want God to care how we humans have it, then you say the same thing as the Bible when it describes who God is. The Bible describes God as a God who is concerned that we should be happy, but when we hurt each other so rebel God.
Why should we abandon God's view of marriage as we know that cohabitation is actually a selfish solution for people who will not commit? Why do we say yes to selfishness births deaths and marriages nsw and no real commitment to love? Why should we not hold on to God's view of marriage, when we've

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