Sunday, April 19, 2015

Birth is an event which must equal the certainty of impending death and thirst and hunger. There is

Note About Birth | kuhakuu.framing
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Birth is an event which must equal the certainty of impending death and thirst and hunger. There is no vacancy in the birth, there is no sanctity in the birth, no everything in birth but everything has been mixed into one, has been mixed into fear and courage, has mixed mixed into kebehagiaan and suffering. The birth of a real and continuous with nature. That respect for nature and all that is born is absolute freedom for himself. Can not help anymore and living beings have a great reward on each other including this nature.
Birth is a mystery in this life but are more likely to feel Divine Hiddenness in this life is human. Something that is taken for granted but be widely questioned by humans themselves later. Animals in many cases have accepted it as a freedom mutlaknya.Mereka born in harmony with nature rodokmen in running their lives. Whatever developments in the evolution of animal life, keep in line and in harmony with nature. Once again the lives of animals as well as plants so menjungjung future while respecting nature and place of residence for the sake of survival ..
Almost everyone probably already know that before the advent of modern human civilization, they live in harmony with animals and plants, so natural in his honor. These humans also has a belief system. They develop, evolve, overcome all the difficulties of life but tertap have high respect with each other, with other living beings and of the nature. Modern humans call it a primitive man, and in this modern life they still exist. rodokmen But modern humans mostly use this term as a form of distinction, as creatures who rule over this earth without ever thinking that for these men may be considered primitive modern humans.
In the modern human life or industrial society, the differences are so obvious; rich and poor, happy and suffering, proletarian and bourgeois, developed and developing. Something a bit much make modern man will regret his birth. They wonder why in the world is born in a poor state, in a state of suffering. They call it an injustice. They regretted his birth and bestow the charges on sesamnaya, the rich class, the industrial system, or the god. Most of them resigned and admitted rodokmen modern life had to be so. The complexity of modern human life, and now most of them questioned his birth. That is why it is so the mystery of the birth of modern human life.
The word mystery is not something that can not be solved, but so far I see only people who can solve it. The mystery of birth can only be felt by the individual, there is no single rodokmen person who can solve this mystery by saying a truth for all living creatures except the truth of himself. Likewise, in this paper only fully eyes, throw it to the place trash if you want.
It is certain from birth is the beginning of life in a new world where everything is one. Then the difference will arise when the unity of the whole sense of being bothered by their parents or carers. This is a tricky thing that is often considered that birth is something empty, something that is ready to be filled in accordance circumstances or the willingness of parents. With so born into a kind of time bomb that will be disappointing parents. I believe birth is just grab the opportunity, then if the birth did not succeed, it is natural rodokmen that the chance at another world was still there.
Might need to be considered a condition in today's society where the birth is not dimakanai, something rodokmen vague. Values inherent in the sustainability of a very conditioned by birth parents, rodokmen but it is not at all. Birth is something that is free regardless of parents download

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