Aira born in RS MMC. Some relatives questioned why the MMC? MMC's not Mother and Child Hospital? geology Yeah well, but as far as my experience anyway I'm satisfied. I kind husband and parents geology that rock n roll. Gynecologist did not choose that sedapetnya wrote, the closest hospital geology wrote. Because the incidence geology of appendicitis do not accidentally become pregnant fitting subscription MMC to check the contents with the same doctor when appendicitis.
Turns out, I get all the great experience, great pain once great happiness with the birth of a child. * Aira normal birth with a natural contraction for 24 hours. Start sick contraction 19.00 Wednesday, Aira was born Thursday at 19.00. A total of 36 hours I did not sleep. Do not be asked about pain, pain biyangeeet for mercy make trauma. xixixi * Once born performed IMD * Aira can directly nenen ASI smoothly * Can rooming-in at Aira.
Aira was born normal, natural contractions without induction, IMD, ASIX, Rooming-in. Sounds very ideal yes. In fact, I do not plan all of it, which I hope can be born survived Ai cuman enough. Want born hayuuk would use any means or normal caesarean just wrote, would be nenen or can not nenen yes I could, geology if the milk did not come out and given a bottle-feeding so not anything that important anyway born healthy survived, it was enough for me. If it can be born naturally and smoothly that bonus in my opinion. That's the message that I send to the universe. geology Whatever geology will be will be. Sent.
On the other hand, the few times I heard stories of working mothers who disappointed geology her because quipped can not give Asi, or there are laws that quip law because the law choose caesarean. There is also a mother who was not yet a fully Mother lahirin if not normal, there is also a story of a friend geology who was disappointed because his hospital geology does not allow Rooming-in. Pheeew.
Maybe I can not feel what the heck disappointment. Urun presumptuous if I may comment, every choice there must be risks. As long as the mother is aware of all the risks we need support with respect geology to any decision / choice of the mother TSB. I believe each person is most know about himself, every mother knows that the best for him and his son. Anyway where there is a mother in full, half or quarter of a mother?
Sometimes we as mother / grandmother / neighbor / the busy Sodara printilan geology make an issue of it (normal, caesar, ASI, bottle-feeding, geology etc etc etc) not endless, geology to forget that the essence of the most important is the child born survive and grow happy loving .
The same time with Aira born babies there are only two, only the other Aira baby girl too. So safe, there's no way to be confused. Since only two patients and many sisters, sisters geology could pay attention to the patient in detail, hospitable and ready to help us. How fun. Suster2nya still remember this mother Cecilia appendix fitting tablets now already pregnant it birth. Famous lol
One other mothers who also gave birth to coincide with me planning birth at RSIA Bekasi area, but he had a story in itself why even lahirannya in MMC. Wednesday geology night, the Ms. her and husband geology watch 21 in epicentrum walk, exhausted finished watching the mbaknya rupture of membranes, * What ya watched until amniotic rupture *. The sis and her husband panicked, hospitals deket epicentrum geology only MMC. Be his fellow soldier birth in the MMC is not accidentally hehehe. It seems indeed less popular MMC yes to birth .. Unlike the popular RSIA my cousin gave birth to a baby Copious busyet dah.
Overall a pleasant experience childbirth in MMC. Tomorrow another second child how? Now back to my husband and the type of rock n roll, because we are now moving in serpong so yaa, sedapetnya hospital deket home aja .. So remember geology someone once said to me that: Happy people go lucky .. Whoa klo so I also wanted to add may not ya if rock n roll people go lucky too. lol.
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