This day is a day that coincided with my outside control schedule with Dr. Yenny, so coming home from work, I was not home to boarding, marie jeanne but further marie jeanne to the hospital in Cengkareng. Thank God that comes to directly marie jeanne check, so do not wait until the night. Out of the hospital, was already no surprises from Mas, I brought marie jeanne to his favorite eating places and disuguh menus Crab, yihaa ... yum yum yum ... Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Tonight there Mas office affairs that possibility so should return Malem, pity if Mas need to boarding in conditions very tired & Malem (though again spoiled wrote, not want to wait in the boarding house alone until Malem). After seduce, finally Mas ngebolehin I return to Cengkareng again. Friday, April 15th, 2011
This Friday is scheduled return home Cengkareng, tomorrow's Saturday .. Before leaving, I had a time to meet temen2 in TA. Towards the back, around 9pm, stomach ache, it seems the effect has not eaten enough, earlier in TA I eat a little batagor. Duuh .. but already promised to bring carp eat Malem. If more guns abdominal pain gini I could find food, especially marie jeanne the adek already feels beraatt ..
My stomach still hurts, I lie down and fall asleep, wake up at 12 hours, Mas had not come and I was not buying food, I take delivery 24h menu and try the book, but failed .. uuhh false promise marie jeanne he could pesen anytime.
Approximately 2 hours Mas home. Until dawn, my stomach marie jeanne has not healed well. Saturday, April 16th, 2011 After morning prayers, my pain intensified, I vomited. uffhh .. maagku relapse. Mas decided to go to the hospital, first I refused because it only ulcer, but eventually I iyakan. After saying goodbye to her office because it does not come to Anyer, then we to the hospital. Around marie jeanne 8am I handled medical and entered the observation room delivery. Her diagnosis turns out I've experienced openings 2 in pregnancy is 35 weeks, but still kurleb baby weighs 2.4 kg. Has not been considered enough to be born. Dr. Yenny decided me to hospitalization, bedrest, so that the openings of birth has not increased and injected lung amplifier, which if need be born, babies lungs stronger. After 4 days of hospitalization in the hospital, marie jeanne I was allowed to go home and come back another week check. Tuesday, April 26th, 2011
Control the 37th week of pregnancy, marie jeanne the doctor said I had experienced openings 3 and already be spawned. Though I did not get sick (contraction) at all. After in-CTG marie jeanne to check the baby's heartbeat, the normal Alhamdulillah, I was allowed to go home and come back when signs of childbirth increasingly felt.
Every time we monitor no signs of birth guns yes, breaks, spots, contraction, but why is not there ... even though he already opening three. With a phone number information dr.Yenny of Enno, I consult him, I was asked to remain home until signs appeared and gave birth control again Tuesday. Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011
Control again. 12.30 pm. Yenny doctor checks, turns out I've had in the opening 4 (ga felt well, hee) but when in ultrasound, amniotic fluid is reduced, the possibility of permeable and can affect the baby. Finally, I urge doctors to give birth today with the induction process. I was taken to the observation room, mas urus2 administration. Was really excited ... At 14.00
Sister began to attach the infusion induction, Mas already marie jeanne back to the office, nyelesaiin first job, because of the possibility of induction of labor process was 12 hours late doctor said. My stomach started churning 14.30, a time to eat fried rice I supplied the hospital fit again pause ga heartburn. Mas back to the office and plans to return home after hours, hours 5. I entrusted pesen to bring home completeness, marie jeanne baby equipment, supplies I, cameras, camcorders, Quran, honey, Sarkum, chocolate, tablets why so much food? !!! ? ... At 15:00 Heartburn marie jeanne continues, but I still managed to sms friend Dian MBA office, ask about leave, sms my friend who sells T * pperware, and some friends, hiyaaa .... mulasku more severe, I said mas to come now aja .. On the side there are also mothers who give birth are also, for the third child. I heard he often yells when heartburn strikes, I thought it might be good also to me, I will come screaming, marie jeanne hwaaa ... and be the room was more crowded, hehehe ... when was wish pip, I allowed the nurse to the toilet with a infusion, but tiba2 spill water wet my feet, I was shocked .. rupture marie jeanne turns, sisters still let me go to the toilet. returning to bed, amniotic fluid does not stop flowing, I was asked to sleep on their side and did not move much. 15:30 hours mas my gallant come .. Thank God, there can be relied upon ... (read object bites) At 16.00 mulasku increasingly not stop, it looks like it's time, but the sisters still prohibit me straining. 16:20 hours the doctor came, gave birth procession begins .. Alhamdulillah Allah facilitated, clock 16:35, bid
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