Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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THE CROSS IS THE KEY OF HISTORY Homily of Bishop Mario Grech at Gozo Diocese
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On Sunday, 26 October 2008, Bishop Mario Grech led concelebration in the parish church of the kiln and later became the blessings of the cross then put on the lantern of the church. This is the Bishop's homily:
In life we have many crosses. Some of these we noħolquhom; others ngħabbuhom we own to others, others are alone. But tonight will cross that inbierku to put at the top of your parish church, is different because it cross the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1911 census In the words of Cardinal Martini, the cross of Jesus is the heart of God and human history.
In the Gospel we as xandarna (Mt 22,34-40), listened to Jesus means what is the greatest and first commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, with all your mind .... Second resemble: Love your neighbor as yourself. "We can deliver this commandment is not because we have some particular expertise, but because it was God who loved us first. As Saint John says: "Here is love: not because we ħabbejna to God, but because He loved us and sent his Son to make up for our sins. Dear, if God so loved us, we also have to love one another "(1Ġw 4,10-11). If we do not experience this gratuitous love of God to each one of us who figured in Christ crucified will not find internal strength to live this commandment of love. The cross is the revelation of who God is
The cross of Jesus is a revelation of who God is: "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes he has eternal life" (Jn 3:16). The cross is that the altar on which the Son of God manifesting his love of the Father and us, because on the cross Jesus wholly given to us as a victim for dnubietma. If someone wants to see how beautiful God and as dazzle his glory, shall cast the cross ħarstu planning document that is a manifestation of the beauty of God. I am not being nirreferri tpaxxi aesthetic beauty for the eyes - beauty that often confuse man! - But I am talking of the beauty of God's love in Christ crucified appeared. The cross is the epiphany of the Holy Trinity, for which see the award of the Father, the Son and offer the power of the Holy Spirit.
The cross thus reveals an important truth about God: God is love and who dwells in love dwells in God and God in it (see 1Ġw 4,16). When so many of us here lack of knowledge about God and misunderstanding about God, whether we stop contemplate the cross of Jesus who is "book" openly about God. No wonder that wherever throw sights ħarstek usually account the cross hanging on the walls in our homes, in public offices, schools, hospitals ... We do this so that we can have a sign reminding this truth about God. If we discover that love, "love is made complete in us" (1Ġw 4.17) and we can not nħobbux God and our neighbor! The cross speaks about man
But the cross also reveals truth about man: how can misuse 1911 census his freedom and possible violent! The cross reminds us how it is possible for man to reject the love and overlook before the true beauty, so that able to come to "kill" the love and beauty. Christ was crucified fruit injornaza blackout the human brain. It was the anger and kattiverija that can overwhelm the human heart that led to Christ jissammar on wood of the cross. If, as I said above, the cross should prompt us a sense of stgħaġi

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