Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Web Design by 2point3

During ley de dalton a rally in Valletta, the Chairperson of AD, Michael Briguglio said: "With 2, 000 votes district, ley de dalton the Green MP elected and start the spring with green. Thus The social justice, civil rights and environmental protection be discussed in parliament. "
"In parliament, we see that we truly European leadership. Whether we are in coalition and if we in the opposition, we will we serve as a bridge between ley de dalton other parties, parliamentary committees Participate and present proposals that make sense. "
"Voters who believe b'mohhom ley de dalton can really write the story this time and I inhajjar these voters to be a protagonist in the 2013 election to try to convince others to do the same. Voters who know think and have the opportunities to reflect, ley de dalton to depart from the stagnant system of both parties and upload to AD in Parliament. On paper voting, those who vote to AD may also continue on other candidates of their choice at other parties. "
"Remember that it is in the interest of all these people as usual and the PL and PN remain choke and dominate the Maltese society. The vote inherited. You can vote 1, 2, 3 AD, according to the district. If you want you can also continue ley de dalton on candidates of other parties. You can vote as you want and how do you consider. Obviously most strong message to vote is a vote for AD. "
"A vote for AD is a vote for real policy. Common European style. Vote for AD is a vote against the culture of pleasures, of klikkek and corruption. He votes against the policy of irresponsible promises LP and PN. Vote for AD is a vote favor civil rights, ley de dalton clean energy, sustainable economy and social conscience political favor. "
Ralph Cassar closed by saying that it gharukaza the Electoral Commission dominated by the PN and the PL does not make education campaign with the voters, as happens in any serious democracy. Said he informed the monitoring mission of the Organization election for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on the campaign of misinformation about the electoral system ley de dalton are candidates make PL and PN.
The spokesperson, ley de dalton Prof. Arnold Cassola, said that in the last week of the campaign, Dr Gonzi and Dr Muscat are making statements unexpected. Dr Muscat said that would not agree to a referendum on the spring hunting while Dr Gonzi replied that his party also did not want to destroy the hunting and trapping in the spring through referendum. Regarding the removal of the rooms in Armier, Dr Gonzi said that he could not agree due to issues of "compensation", while Dr Muscat also agreed that he should leave those rooms Armier where being and getting deal with them. Dr Muscat also admitted that it was a good decision to Malta joined the European Union, while when asked whether the divorce decision was a good decision, Dr Gonzi said, "yes". This confirms that AD has always been justifiably.
"Such answers on the part of the leaders of the two other parties, it is clear that the Greens need to be in parliament. The Maltese people must draw courage. Two thousand people from voting district, and after half a century, a new era is born in parliamentary democracy built on openness and pluralism ", concluded Prof.. Cassola.
Web Design by 2point3

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