The història l'escriuen els ... D'here vencedors maximum of George Santayana ================================ ================================ "El Poble not CONEIX història seva ... is veurà obligat to repeat russian last names "
The theory russian last names of possible Catalan Discovery Australia is based on the assertion that some sailors arrived on the island 200 years before Cook, as you may find charted on the maps of Vallard 1547, found in the late eighteenth century, and still are preserved. However, it was not until the seventeenth century that the island was the subject of further European exploration. Some expeditions to the famed Terra Australis russian last names are made by the Dutchman Willem Jansz in 1606, the Spanish Luis Vaez de Torres in 1607 and the Dutch Dirk Hartog in 1616, Jan Carstensz in 1623 and Abel Tasman in 1642. For a long time Australia was known as New Holland russian last names and Abel Tasman gave his name to the island of Tasmania. RHMajor Historical Chronology, Early Voyages to Terra Australis 1859, Museu Britanic, escriure going to the "Big Java" russian last names was the west coast i est d'Austràlia [2] George Collingridge, The Discovery of Australia, 1895 Collingridge [3] dedicava one Capitol to "Big Java" dels Mapes de l'escola de Dieppe cartography. Per a ell, the "Big Java" nomes pot be the Australian coast. Kenneth McIntyre (advocat) 1977, The Secret Discovery of Australia, on Spanish-Portuguese tells them empreses 200 anys abans the capità Cook, diu that the "Big Java" is Australia. Roger Hervé, ex cap of Cartography Section for the National Library of Paris França, estableix russian last names the Java La Grande reflecteix exploracions them i els i Espanyols Portuguesos marítim transport in Australia i "Nova Zealand between 1521 i 1528 descobriments. Hervé [4] In 1982, Helen Wallis, Curator of the British Library Mapes, suggereix the french Jean Parmentier navegant going fer one viatge 1529 Cartography amb les terres John Rötz to the south. Durant aquest will bring great Quantitat d ' he informatio represented els Mappamundis Dieppe. Wallis [5] In 1984, a former officer, Lawrence Fitzgerald, will escriure a titulat llibre Java La Grande (sic) [6] llibre russian last names aquest compares the Australian coast les cartes de Desceliers (1550 ) i Dauphin (1536-1542) In the llibre. 1421, L'any que Xina will descobrir the sermon, publicat russian last names 2002, Gavin Menzies l'escriptor Angles suggereix that "Java the Great" will be explored descoberta i pel navegant Zheng He Xinès i els seus almiralls. Gavin Menzies creu els Mapes antics of Dieppe is going fer from d'informatio obtinguda pels xineses Portuguesos of fonts. The official Portuguese historiography gives the merit of being the first Europeans to explore at least the coast of Australia, specifically Cristovao de Mendonça in 1522. Later in the seventeenth century, have scans performed by Dutchman Willem Jansz in 1606, the Galician-Portuguese in the service of the Habsburgs, Luis Vaez de Torres, in 1607 and the Dutch Dirk Hartog, 1616, Jan Carstensz russian last names in 1623 and Abel Tasman in 1642. The latter russian last names gave the name to the island of Tasmania. The problem, however, is that the Portuguese, legally, could only explore the western part of Australia. Indeed, the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 (although I was in Barcelona that was conceived and calculated) divided the world into two spheres of influence: east of the Tordesillas line for Portugal and west, to the Spain, including Catalonia (according to official historiography russian last names Castilla contradicted by numerous maps of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries where America appears full of Catalan flags). russian last names When, a few years later, we came back to come up with the Portuguese, now in the Pacific in 1522, the Treaty of Zaragoza, you definitely divided the world into two half oranges was signed. Being the opposite side of the world was: West of this line to Portugal, east to the Spain-including Catalonia (the official historiography argument is also challenged by numerous maps of the period described). russian last names Anecdotally, we must say that the current division russian last names between the states of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea is in line with the Treaty of Zaragoza. It should also be noted that in the negotiation of this treaty, to counterfeit, thus bringing down the Philippines in the Spanish orbit maps are used when it is not. The eastern part of Australia, so we corresponded. The first map of Australia by Europeans known fact corresponds to the eastern part, and 1547 multiple names that identify it as a map of Catalan author appear. Because for official historiography Catalan disappear russian last names from history from the time of the Catholic Monarchs and have had no role in any relevant fact since then, the historian
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