Sunday, March 23, 2014

The College of Cardinals as a body of work prelate own rules, specific and accurate john james and

"Cardinal in the hierarchy of the Church is one of the main collaborators of the Pope. One of what constitutes as historically has been defined as the Senate of the Pope. The creation of the cardinal john james dates back to about a thousand years . Around one thousand and fifty and one thousand and fifty-nine. Since that time, the group of cardinals, the cardinals senate was constituted mainly by the competence of the election of Pope the Successor of Peter, and followed by the other powers that collaboration for causes important and delicate matters john james which the Pope also assist in governance not only of the Church of Rome but also of the Church Universal. Kardinalizju Today the College is spread to the four corners of the world and composed of illustrious personalities and Catholic clergymen belonging to various john james countries in the world. " john james LE.RT Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, SDB - 24.01.2012
The kardinalat is the highest ecclesiastical dignity in the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, and inferior only to the role of the Pope's Successor of Peter on this land. The Cardinal is that prelate nearest and consultant in governance Pope of the Roman Curia and the Church Universal.
Fundamental work of Cardinals and the College Kardinalizju is also to vote for the Successor of Peter, the Prince of the Apostles john james or be elected to this office. Why the Cardinals john james to take part in an election can elect even to those who are more than eighty years and is not permissible for them to attend the election. john james
The pope could appoint as a cardinal who are under the age of eighty years and therefore be members electors in the College Kardinalizju or prelate who have passed the age of eighty years and have no vote in college kardinalizju but jelevahom for kardinalat Ad Honorem, so long and thanks them for the impeccable service they gave to the Catholic Church.
The word is a word cardinal comes from the medieval Latin word 'cardo' or 'cardonis which means boss', a point of reference. This term was initially used for elders, to be written and inkardinati in episcopal john james church, ie pivot of the diocese. More m'għadda time this word cardinal began to be applied to the clergy, the priests of Rome was the center, the pivot but not of the diocese of the Church Universal. So the word cardinal comes from the Latin word 'cardo, which means pivot center.
One finds the kardinalat john james as an institution since the fourth century AD within the Pontificate of Pope St. Sylvester I, the same Pope who led the Synod of Nicea and that was the same Successor of Peter which allowed the Emperor Constantine to start building the big Bażiliċi Rome including that of St. Peter on the Colle Vaticane. This one could easily john james find on the Liber Pontificalis.
This Successor of Peter ggverna the Universal Church between 314 and 335 AD. So at that time that the Pope had already started using the service of priests of Rome in the governance of the universal Church. This is very important.
The College of Cardinals as a body of work prelate own rules, specific and accurate john james and that some of these rules date back hundreds of years, centuries away. The Church in the century that has just passed wanted to adapt the College of Cardinals by his rules times. The established Church
The College of Cardinals is divided into three orders, the cardinals bishops, the presbyters Cardinals john james and the Cardinals Deacons. These orders reflect the three degrees of ministries namely the sacrament of order: the djakonat the presbiterat and episcopate. Therefore reflect the sacrament of Christ bnieh wanted and order. This means that the Cardinals john james Bishops representing all the world's bishops, the presbyters Cardinals represent all priests of the world while the Deacons Cardinals deacons to represent all of the world. Hence their significance is clear to the end.
The Bishops john james Cardinals are running six churches suburbikarji Rome. These churches have their seat f'Ostia, Albano, Frascati, Palestrina, Porto-Santa Rufina, Sabina and Poggio Mirteto Velletri-Segni. Besides the responsibility of the seat to the Cardinal Dean already has, also takes the leadership of the Church Suburbikarja of Ostia. With this Order Cardinals also enter Eastern patriarchs.
These seven churches are surrounded with suburbikarji outskirts john james of Rome that were initiated by the primitive Church evanġilizzazzjoni within the St. Peter. When St. Peter arrived Ru

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