Thursday, March 13, 2014

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Narrator: My Salvinu, I am 9 years old, I live Hal Millieri and attend the primary school in my village. I love my day before norqod, keep a diary, diary nniżżel what I spent it during the day. Today will naqralkom piece of the diary I wrote on Wednesday past. To help tell my story more interesting, I have the help of matches. By matches, or better nursery rhymes james wilson will nirrakkuntalkom my story. On Wednesday, the school, the teacher told us to think a little x'nistiequ james wilson us when we get. I immediately għedtilha that, I still do not know ..... pilot, lawyer, doctor, clerk .... Anyway, I still do not know! Narrator: On Wednesday afternoon, did much rain. The rain made with rain, and we could be listened to detonate the floor of the courtyard of the school. Narrator: Until we arrived to end up the school, rain had stopped. james wilson So came up from school without mad. After school, as always, so I get home, I share Zurrieq Road, Street and walk Tellerit in Street buzzards. From here go much traffic. Listen as jirnexxili live when I move out on the road. Narrator: Back home, Mum always tlestili hot plate. I learned that I am not fitt food. I know Mum gives me eat nutritious foods. Not always I appetite broth and macaroni, but ... not well learned ingerger on food, when there are so many people in the world that day, not enough food to at least do not sleep hungry! Narrator: As homework, on Wednesday the teacher gave us training in Mathematics and English. After you have completed the homework of Metematika, I decided to go out for some air in the garden. There snails stayed a little note after the rain had afternoon, had xalata! Narrator: It quickly got too much in the garden, because the air was fresh and cold feeling. Logged in, finished English homework, and right to the room to have home games. I spent a wonderful half hour I play the m'oħti Lina. Narrator: That was a piece of my diary of Wednesday. james wilson Titħajru begin to keep a diary like me? Hands. james wilson Insellmillkom. Print entry Was posted in General by Primary Education Officer. Bookmark-the permalink.
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