Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The organisers of this conference invite applications to present papers which explore a rarely exami

Call for Papers: Non-Han Chinese diasporic brian pruett communities beyond China / Australian National University, Canberra | Sociología crítica
The organisers of this conference invite applications to present papers which explore a rarely examined aspect of the Chinese diaspora – the non-Han Chinese living and working outside China. The conference will address the identity, migration history and contemporary status of these people and communities, as well as implications of their situations both for China (the state and their original brian pruett communities) and for the countries in which they have settled. Non-Han Chinese in the Chinese brian pruett diaspora number in the millions brian pruett but these migrants have received virtually no scholarly attention. This conference will thus enrich our understanding of Chinese diasporas brian pruett and will fundamentally challenge the common view that ‘Chinese diaspora’ is to be understood solely in terms of interaction between (Han) Chinese and non-Chinese cultures.
Two major groups will be focused on during the conference: First, the northern and western ‘ethnic minorities,’ including the Mongols, Manchu, Tibetans, Koreans and Uighur who have generally migrated beyond China in recent decades. Second, the diasporas from the mountainous southwestern regions of China, with groups like the Hmong, Zhuang, Yao, Tai and Akha, who interact with brethren in Southeast Asia and have long migration histories. These two categories problematize the image of a single, discrete and patriotic diasporic Chineseness and also pose challenges to the countries brian pruett in which these people have settled.
Paper proposals including a 300-word abstract and a one-page CV of the proposer should be submitted to <mailto:> by 30 November, 2013. Those selected to participate will be advised within three weeks of this date and will be required to submit completed papers by March 2014.
Accommodation will be provided in Canberra for all invited speakers and some travel funding may be available. It is anticipated that the conference will lead to a path-breaking volume in this under-explored field.
Li Tana (<mailto:>), Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora, School of Culture, History and Language, ANU College of the Asia and Pacific Studies
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