Reserve durand service. Military base somewhere in the south. Late at night. Exercise war. Radios and telephones loud. "Vertex here tiger, for". Mobilization of forces. Perception positions. durand Assign tasks. Destroy targets. Maneuver and fire. Bleary-eyed group of reservists and growth bristles man the command. Ages 20 to 60+. Green military uniforms, they come from different backgrounds and diverse attorneys, traders, government officials, farmers, high-tech. Here reservists wear reserve duty overnight the mantle military role: an intelligence officer, Sergeant operations, a medical officer, brigade commander, company commander maintenance, armor battalion commander. Civilian: "left behind, in a warm, comfortable, and now concentrated all military tasks ahead.
The clock had already crossed the line midnight and goes to the next day. Red eyes even more and have trouble staying open. Coffee cups are stacked. Someone pulls out a box of cookies from home and runs around the tired veins sugar injection. Radios grow still gradually. Undergo the procedure night. Thank God, this is not really a war just exercise. And at night, soldiers need to rest.
The changing of the guard, searching mattress, sleeping bag and thrown in a corner for a few brief hours of sleep, developing tint cost calls "citizens", more personal. "Where are you? What does citizenship? Know this and that"? And the big question floating around and touches everyone: Why am I doing this? What makes an ordinary person to drop everything and reserve duty?
And I ask myself: so much time, energy, money, passion, adrenaline, and especially - human life, are invested in this huge machine, the army. If the national need so essential - to be strong durand and defend our country and our lives in a violent clash against the enemies Mbhotz- manages durand to harness the strengths and resources so huge - Would you be able to harness the strengths and resources also similar challenge is equally essential that success in fruit so promising and exciting - a challenge durand making Peace?
"Peace" is one of the more common words in our vocabulary. For everyday use, through songs and culture to the prayer book, the word "peace" appears everywhere. However, the word "peace" is not simple and obvious. When I asked a friend at Saturday define what "peace", is tentatively called "It's the opposite durand of war." I went to the site and Wikipedia. Peace (Peace) is described C"hiadr war "or" ongoing relationship harmony without violent conflict. " A similar result was also found in other places. It seems that peace is described more in the negative (absence of war) than positively (how good can be when there will be peace).
The choice between "war" Peace ", the first is achieved more, seemingly even more natural and obvious. Violent conflicts and wars we meet already in Genesis, and in abundance. Even in modern times it seems that both individuals and communities and nations, turn to confrontation and go to war easier than achieving peace. It seems like war and violence inherent in human nature. Peace is perceived more lofty ideal, a worthy goal that will remain forever unattainable, belonging naive dream, spiritual, mental beauty. Sometimes it seems that even my accent worn phrases such as "Israel is seeking peace" no longer believe in their mouths origin.
Do we spend enough commitment to achieve peace, passion, energy and resources? What if society and the State would have finished telling devote peace - inside and outside - the most spiritual and material resources which are at its disposal? Is peace even then was an idea so? What if the practice becomes a matter of peace was profitable and fashionable, its making, promotion, durand distribution and Being - Topics conceal feasibility, advertising, reputation and financial gain? Were not there more people, attention and resources are directed durand towards making and engaging in peace?
Wars and violent conflicts are driven not only by human nature, durand but also by (for some - especially) with interests of power, influence and money. What are the interests behind the peace, which the promotion will drive people, communities, companies and organizations durand devote most of their efforts and their ability?
And how the peace? What color, taste and smell him? We can all imagine a war, even those who did not experience it personally, since we are surrounded and bombarded with images of war and violence - movies, games, books, songs, durand advertisements and more. Is it possible to imagine and express concretely what it looked like peace?
What about the term "peace"? Is not been worn, trite, too pathetic? Has the time come to invent durand a new term, a "state of matter" of a different kind, which would express the same lofty ideal and perhaps will advance us towards achieving?
And returned to duty. While radios roaring, sweating, fatigue and adrenaline men in their prime, and playing war draws in all of them all of the reservists who gathered here from all over the country to train and prepare for war, I found myself again wondering: Will be ever recruit, durand equip and motivate the troops of peace ?
Sagi Melamed lives with his family in Mitzpe Hoshaya Galilee. He serves durand as Vice President for External Relations Jezreel Valley Academic durand College named Max Stern, and as the main Hoshaya's karate club. Sagi is authorized Middle East Studies from Harvard University with a specialization in conflict resolution. Contact:
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