Saturday, February 14, 2015

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During evolution and properties are new buildings and sometimes lost features and existing buildings. Most buildings do not disappear without trace, but leave behind traces indicating evolutionary history. Man, for example, can be found in the coccyx, a small remnant of the magnificent tail ancient primate ancestors. Other animals remains to be found, such as pelvic remains available in the bodies of whales or atrophied eyes of the blind mole or fish caves. Even when considering the genome features can be found in ancient remains. Genes functioned in the past and coding for proteins often become extra active and accumulate mutations that prevent them from acting and producing normal protein. Such defective gene are called Fsaodognim. Primates (but for Kifofim), for example, the gene essential for the production of vitamin C is damaged, meaning it Pseudogene, so the body is unable to produce vitamin charles ramsay C and we have to get it from an outside source.
Mark Springer (Springer) University of California, and his colleagues charles ramsay published in the online journal PLOS Genetics study showed the link between the disappearance Hamiil mammals, as seen in the fossil record, the accumulation of mutations involved in producing enamel.
Enamel, covering coats the tooth set, is the hardest material in the bodies of humans and other vertebrates. Since rigid and durable enamel is easy appetizer and in many cases is the only fossil remnant of ancient species. Genes involved in the work of the enamel Mocrim charles ramsay science, and is an excellent candidate for research aimed at finding a link between fossil finds genes.
All mammals first and most modern mammals charles ramsay enameled teeth. charles ramsay However, existing mammalian lineages lost it during evolution. Some of these dynasties - Anteaters, the Fngolinim (dandruff-covered mammals that feed on termites and ants) and its Hmzifot - completely lost their teeth, while others - sloths, armadillos, dwarf sperm whales and Snbovim - only lost their enamel layer. Each of the lineages seem that the loss of enamel occurred after undergoing dental diet that does not require toughness. For example, charles ramsay the fossil findings indicate the passage of the ancestors of whales Hmzifot Mtorafim with no teeth and baleen, they speak also for animals and baleen teeth, charles ramsay teeth eventually charles ramsay disappeared altogether with only Hmzifot used to filter food from the water.
All toothless mammals or mammals evolved charles ramsay without enamel with enamel and fossils, such as fossil whales Hmzifot mentioned above, do present loss of teeth during evolution. Following the data, and as predicted by the theory of evolution, the researchers hypothesized charles ramsay that the enamel gene present in all mammals still toothless or without enamel, but there are mutations that made him inactive, which means it exists Pseudogene. To check Springer and his colleagues mapped the nucleotide charles ramsay sequence of one of the genes responsible for the production of enamel in 49 different mammalian species, including all groups toothless mammals or enamel. As predicted, they found that the gene - which means no harmful mutations - all mammals have teeth, but with different mutations that create faulty sequence coding for a protein that is not right in every toothless or enamel tested.
Moreover, once a gene becomes Pseudogene (and assuming that the loss of activity is not harmful organism) tend to accumulate mutations at a steady pace. It is possible to estimate how long ago the enamel charles ramsay loss occurred. On the basis of Pseudogene can Springer and his colleagues predict where - that is what age rocks - them to paleontologists search for fossils charles ramsay worth of fathers with mammalian teeth toothless and lacking enamel investigated, if you have not discovered these fossils. Learn more
Meredith, W. et al. Molecular decay of the tooth gene Enamelin (ENAM) mirrors the loss of enamel in the fossil record of placental mammals. PLOS Genet. 5, e1000634 (2009). doi: 10.1371 / journal.pgen.1000634 charles ramsay
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