Monday, February 9, 2015

Home books I have written academic papers op various audio programs (radio drive and meshes) how I

So why a bank? That nowadays, during bdm the industrialized economies, to industry and commerce and everything about real life in our (water, electricity, health, safety, iPhone, Facebook, bdm trips abroad and more) possible, have some sort of "Device" it is not any of these things . which is actually the definition of money 'instrument' or 'thing' which in itself has no value guide, but without it impossible to produce and market useful objects.
And what bank? That need a system that will manage the 'money'. Someone should print the money, bdm keeping accounts, grant loans is actually another name for doubtful. In other words, who holds a bank, effectively holding people's economic freedom. That freedom is the other side of the debt.
And if we understood it, it is clear to us why it is better to cooperative bank private bank. That the cooperative bank that gives loans and debt manager, does so from the perspective of the economic interest of the general public who holds his shares, and not from the perspective of a tiny minority and faceless, only interested in maximizing personal gain.
And why in fact it is necessary at all in commercial banking, whether privately owned or owned cooperative? Great question. Theodor Herzl, known as' Jose State, wrote in his diary in the Jewish state Tolam any financial system: banking and stock exchange. And he was not the first nor the last.
And no, not Herzl's case and the case of many others such as John Maynard Keynes (an English economist who died in 1946) or Michael Hudson and William Blake (American economists who live in these days), this is not the communists again. On the contrary. This is not democracy was the trustee and have no doubt that a stronger democracy is one in which the most vital economic component - credit - can not be conducted in the service of narrow-minded interests.
Until this change will occur in the whole world has no choice but to work within the system: banks throughout the world and in Israel are commercial banks. Cooperative Bank is a commercial bank more democratic and fair commercial bank details. Herzl also realized that the day when the Jewish state will be established in the entire financial system would be held by the public, have no choice but to work within the system, but a more democratic direction.
This was the background bdm for the establishment of the Jewish Colonial Trust ', which, as can be understood from the name, was a top financial organization whose purpose was to help the Jews to build their new home in the Land of Israel. No coincidence that the largest opposition Herzl's initiative was' House of Rothschild, which controlled the time the huge chunks of the global credit system.
What Herzl made at the time must be used as inspiration for the present stage of Zionism and the State of Israel: democratization Slhvenkaot and credit system. Cooperative bank is a step for the release of non-Israelis bdm Mshiabodm justified in any way (moral, economic, social and historical) private banks.
Home books I have written academic papers op various audio programs (radio drive and meshes) how I understand history thoughts about natural bdm science course (a little old and a little wild) on social democracy articles related to politics articles on education To do with Zionism thoughts about the Israeli \-Jewish Palestinian \ evenings looking at issues of Social Democracy Thoughts of works: books, articles, films, songs, sets what to see books online - quite literally whole books I scanned and should recognize and even read gifts, bonuses, debts viewing etc. Write to the clerk of Finance Your CV

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