I return to where I began a series of ozone a few records. If you have not heard of ozone therapy, probably to blame is the pharmaceutical industry, which has an interest in hiding this knowledge from the public and it does so in the United States since the 30s of the last century. Simply, ozone therapy provides the body with one of the most essential for maintaining health: oxygen. This is a simple us census data and effective treatment without artificial chemicals that helps numerous patients modes.
Medical ozone treatment with activated oxygen has a beneficial effect on all parts of the body, for example, to the closure of infectious bacteria, fungi, mold, viruses and yeast, improving circulation, inhibiting malignant tumors, stimulation us census data of oxygen metabolism. us census data These benefits were not widely recognized for years for pharmaceutical and chemical us census data manufacturers us census data paid billions of dollars the American Medical Association and government officials to suppress the development of the field in favor of the pharmaceutical industry began to flourish in the 30s. But ozone treatment Miriam Head popular alternative medicine.
Today scientists and doctors believe that my many patients are caused by lack of oxygen, because the body's cells are aerobic, and contrast diseased cells, bacteria and viruses us census data are anaerobic. Oxygen and food are what the cells need to produce energy. Oxygen therapy energy production is done with the oxidation of unhealthy cells. When the process is going, antioxidants maintain healthy cells. Antioxidants also regulate the temperature us census data of the metabolism and thus prevent excessive oxidation. Now the system should eliminate the waste that remains after the oxidation us census data process. Proper nutrition helps the natural process of waste disposal through the detoxification of the body. With aging, we are filled with toxins and other auxiliary materials and we lack the ability to produce the energy to burn them. Cells work by burning glucose to produce energy and by-products are carbon dioxide and water. If no oxygen, the fire is not perfect and the products are carbon monoxide and lactic acid. Carbon monoxide us census data buildup interferes with hemoglobin to pick up oxygen; Excess lactic acid hampering the nervous system. If no oxygen, toxins accumulate in the blood and lead to a heavy load of toxins, together with the accumulation of fat deposits. The result us census data is a degenerative disease. Oxygen deficiency also causes us census data tissue breakdown, illness and low body temperature. Oxygen abundance brings us census data improved health.
Antioxidants capture free radicals and strengthen the enzymes. us census data Free radicals are an inevitable product of any biochemical us census data reaction. Normal cells have enzymes that protects skin from free radicals and oxygen action. Ozone, O3, can distinguish between the "enemy" and "friend" and is valid only invading pathogens harmful to cells. Oxygen starvation at the cellular level is what causes the cells to be too weak to produce the enzymes us census data that protect them. Oxygen-starved cells therefore are vulnerable to intruders viruses and other pathogens. Ozone bacteria do not have a valid shell enzymes and diseased cells lack a protective enzymatic.
Medical ozone therapy is one of the most effective ways to restore optimum levels of oxygen in the body. Oxygen regulates all our physical activity - the ability to think, speak and act, thanks to the energy that creates oxygen. Oxygen is the most vital element to our health. Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, also called, can increase energy levels, strengthen the immune system and enhance the overall vitality. Where acceptable use of ozone (such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc.), us census data are using it in surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, dermatology, treating diseases and sex here and treat infections. My clinic I suggest ozone sauna therapy, which replaces the insertion of intravenous ozone and appropriate where his blood pressure normal and that he had no particular problems adrenal glands.
Natural Bitit- toothpaste 6 tablespoons baking soda 1 teaspoon sea salt or rock salt (but not regular salt and pest from the supermarket) 45 drops ( teaspoon) Clove oil 3 tablespoons oil mixing glycerin can be done with all organic oil. It is recommended not to do with olive oil, because in this way it is dry the skin. Haman classic is sunflower oil. In a whole bottle of oil Add oil 40 drops of lavender us census data essential oil at that of -40 drops of clove oil Itri. Morning or two hours after depreciation tablespoon of oil put food in your mouth and hold them between your teeth, us census data back forward and sideways us census data for 20 minutes. This action is quite difficult, sometimes us census data it takes a few weeks until they can hold the oil full time. After mixing us census data to spit in the trash or down the toilet and did not know. Brush and simulate 15 minutes to eat (if you / the starting / The earlier will have nausea) What does mixing oil? Mixing oil into the oil attracts bacteria, viruses, heavy metals found in the mucosa us census data (mucous membranes) of the mouth. The oil slowly pulling us census data deepest layer. Not long ago I saw Kbittzih with fistula (Besieged), treatment Universe + mixing oil resolve the issue in black-rays !!
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