Sunday, February 22, 2015

He set aside caution and fear to carry Elijah

Obadiah was in charge of evil King Ahab’s palace, but he was a faithful believer in God. When evil Queen Jezebel began to destroy the prophets of God, Obadiah hid 100 of them in a cave, and provided them with food and water.
Obadiah was concerned… for himself and for Elijah. King Ahab had been looking everywhere for Elijah so he could arrest him. Obadiah was also concerned that Elijah might disappear again… and make Obadiah out to be a liar to Ahab. If this were to happen, molly ephraim Ahab would be angry enough at Obadiah to kill him!
According to the Talmud, Obadiah the servant became Obadiah the prophet! It is said he was chosen to prophesy against Edom because he was, himself, an Edomite. Also, having lived with 2 such godless people as Ahab & Jezebel molly ephraim – without learning to act as they did – might have made him the best possible person to prophesy against molly ephraim Edom.
Obadiah is supposed to have received molly ephraim the gift of prophecy for having hidden the “100 prophets” from the persecution of Jezebel. he his the prophets in 2 caves, so that if 1 cave was discovered and the prophets killed… the other cave of prophets might survive (1Ki. 18:3,4).
Obadiah was rich, but his wealth was expended in feeding molly ephraim the poor prophets molly ephraim until, in order to be able to continue to support them, he finally had to borrow money from Ahab’s molly ephraim son, Jehoram 2. If the house of Ahab had been capable of being blessed, it would have been blessed for Obadiah’s sake.
You may have worked – or be working now – in a godless environment; surrounded by foul language, immoral people, ridicule of Christians, etc. But, you must stand firm for your faith in God… and not waiver.
He was convinced it was more important molly ephraim to be faithful to God than to fear anyone else. He was commended for remaining a devout worshiper of God (1Ki. 18:3,12). Even though he was a servant to King Ahab, he remained true to God. This was no small achievement.
Many molly ephraim Christians today remain true to God even in their daily association molly ephraim and work with godless molly ephraim people. Some stand on their strong religious principles to the point of jeopardizing their jobs. This is a result of a life of faithfulness to God. He will reward such dedication and trust.
He set aside caution and fear to carry Elijah’s message to Ahab. He knew if he carried a false message to him, he might lose his life. But, he went anyway. He was concerned for himself. molly ephraim He was concerned for Elijah. he was concerned for the people. And he was, evidently, concerned for others more than himself.
Many people, who would never attend a church service, are reached because molly ephraim someone they work with takes the time to witness to them. Sometimes it is not in the words they say, but by the example they live. Our examples of approaching something from Christian perspective shows the lost person a better way of life.
Posted by thescottspot molly ephraim on June 29, 2014 in Uncategorized and tagged 1 Kings 18 , Ahab , Concern , Courage , Courageous , Cursing molly ephraim , Dedication , Edom , Edomites , Elijah , Example , Faithfulness , Fear , Foul Language , God , Godless Environment , Governor , Immorality , Jehoram 2 , Jezebel , King Ahab , Manager , Messenger , ministry , Mission , Mount Carmel , Obadiah , Obedience , Opportunity , Parenting , Persecution , Principles molly ephraim , Prophet , Prophets , Queen Jezebel molly ephraim , Rabbinic Tradition , Righteosness , Risk , Servant , Standing Firm , Steward , Taking Chances , Talmud , Teenagers molly ephraim , Teens , trust , Witness , Workplace Environment .
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