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With the launch of their new website, you too can roll with the Steady james michael mcadoo Holders. The site was part of an identity and branding effort for the band that also included designing their logo. Several interesting techniques were used in the development of the website and I d like to share some of the details with you.
The james michael mcadoo Steady Holders are a Dub Reggae group from Marquette , Michigan. They now have a website which enables them to share their music and connect with the world. To create their visual identity, I started with the logo design. Then I chose a limited color palette based on the classic reggae color scheme of green, yellow and red. With this material, and a little creative know-how, the Steady Holders website was born. Website features
The website was build with responsive design techniques james michael mcadoo such as media queries. Media queries allow for different styles to be applied based on the size of the screen. The site uses a mobile first responsive design approach, james michael mcadoo meaning it was initially designed for a small screen. Media queries were then used to make size and layout adjustments for larger screens. This helps ensure the code is more efficient and the user experience is better across all devices. CSS Background Color Animation
The background color is given life with CSS animations. It transitions from green to yellow to red in continuous fashion, thus creating the Reggae inspired color cycle effect. Full Screen Background Image
The background image is a transparent PNG with fixed position. The image is set to be full screen. It will always fill the screen, no matter what shape or size. It will scale or auto-crop and won’t james michael mcadoo ever look stretched. A band photo was used to create this stylized silhouette that allows the background color to show through. Music Player
As james michael mcadoo cool as the visual stuff is, what really ties it all together is the music. Listening to the group’s unique sound gives visitors a chance to recognize and appreciate whats happening with the background. One song, Rockin’ Occupation is currently available. This is good for starters, but the goal is to eventually give visitors the ability to interact creatively with the music. Something like a live web audio mixer with reverb and delay effects. And maybe a couple sample pads baked in for good measure. Live Dub Mixer coming soon. The Steady Holders have gone Social
About Obadiah Hello, my name is Obadiah Metivier. james michael mcadoo I am Owner & Creative Director of Middle Ear Media in Marquette, Michigan. I continuously challenge myself to find the balance between design that is beautiful, design james michael mcadoo that is functional, and design that is intelligent. View all posts by Obadiah →
I am an expert in my field and build a professional product in a market that is highly competitive. The work Obadiah has done is functional and modern, but more importantly, james michael mcadoo portrays me as a professional. Layton, Utah
Recent Articles Old Bridge Color Palette Roll with the Steady Holders on the Web Graffiti Mouth Color Palette 2014 Year in Review Winter Day Color Palette Happy Holidays james michael mcadoo Snow and Ice Texture Pack 3 Thank You Floral Fabric Color Palette Identity Overhaul and Responsive Web Design for Superior Eye Free Web Audio Apps
* If you are feeling the slightest bit overwhelmed with acronyms and technical terminology, I recommend having a look at my handy little glossary of web design jargon . It is my sincere belief that becoming familiarized with these terms will help you understand what I can do for you and enable us to work together more effectively.
Marquette | Web Design by Middle Ear Media
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